Full 5.4 rewards condensed

For those who want a clean look at rewards totaled. NOT INCLUDING LEGENDS ITEMS.
180,000 t4b shards
20,000 5* shards
2 5* basic crystals
90 t4cc frag crystals
9 t4cc crystals
550 units
6 t2a
30 5* sig generic
1 5* awakening crystal
1 5* awakening generic
5000 6* shards
2 t5b
1 5* r3>r4 crystal I’m
180,000 t4b shards
20,000 5* shards
2 5* basic crystals
90 t4cc frag crystals
9 t4cc crystals
550 units
6 t2a
30 5* sig generic
1 5* awakening crystal
1 5* awakening generic
5000 6* shards
2 t5b
1 5* r3>r4 crystal I’m
And thanks for this 😀
0 t1a
You wouldn't get T1A for that level of content. They just released the means to Max a 5*. I think that's sufficient. There are loads of sources in the game for T1A.
Sure “loads”. Maybe for someone who barely ranks their champs but for end game players T1A is the bottleneck resource.
If you are getting T5B, along with the other Rewards, there's little room to complain about T1A. The Quest is not going to have everything you need in one Quest. For that matter, there are T1A in the game. If you need them that badly, it's not hard to find them. Perhaps not enough to Rank 5*s as fast as you get them, but that's up to the rarity and pace they want.
I know you're joking but I think the root of the issue is that kabam is still treating t4cs like they're a super rare resource and they're not really anymore.
I wish they'd just remove t4cs from aq rewards and convert them to more glory. Eveyone in my alliance has at least 30 t4c crystals unopened, most a lot more. I'd happily trade the 2 t4ccs I win every week (not to mention the inexplicable recent addition of t4c share crystals which are piling up at an alarming rate) for the chance to buy more t4bs, and alphas for glory.
Which is exactly my point. If all the rewards were just converted to a big pool of glory you could get whatever you need. If you need t4ccs great get those. If you don't, that's fine too. Get something else.
Why wouldnt this work better for eveyone.
this might work of kabam was willing to put t4cc crystals into the glory store
Sure. They should probably do that too
Well, this would work better for everyone but that's not saying something relevant: eliminating the tier 1 alpha cost requirement would also work better for everyone.
The reason why the devs are unlikely to convert all rewards to glory is because that's not always possible because fungibility. In other words, sometimes the reward system is designed in such a way that there's no reasonable relative cost you can assign to two items that allows you to measure them in the same currency when that currency is a long term earnable currency with no long term earning limit.
To put it in very (and overly) simple terms, a game designer might want a specific task to award one apple and two oranges, but allowing players to trade the two oranges for another apple would unbalance the value system. You might require the level of effort to get two apples in the same amount of time to require, say, eight oranges. But then the question becomes, how do you price oranges? They are supposed to be half the cost of apples when you get them in the original set, but apples should cost eight oranges if you decide to trade one for the other quickly (the word "quickly" here is important, because most reward systems factor in time to earn in value - that's also why the glory store prices escalate as you buy more all at once). When you try to do this, you are forced to make apples cost four times more than you originally intended, all to allow a single fungible currency to buy both apples and oranges.
This is less of a problem when the currency and how you can spend it is tightly limited, like for example Valor. There you can hand wave pricing problems away because they are very limited in overall scope.
Probably not a satisfactory answer, but its the only one that exists.
The limit on glory (15k right?) would solve some of that, along with escalating costs on the way to a hard item cap. Just like the glory store works now.
You're completely right that lowering the alpha cost on 5*s would be good for eveyone (this seems obviously true, it's completely unclear to my why there should be such a huge ramp up of the alpha cost)
But taking a step back I do think there's a big disconnect between the value Kabam is placing on t4ccs and the way players (at the high end) value them. There should be some remedy for the fact that my whole alliance has t4c material they can't open because it will just expire, kabam places a lot of value on that stuff (look at the cyber Monday deals), but it's largely valueless to many of us.
Playing easier maps isn't a real solution because because maps 5/6 are the only path to material we do value highly (t2a shards mostly), but a huge chunk of the value of our aq rewards is just wasted.
Different players have different needs, as is endlessly argued about on here. Converting the whole prize pool to glory would go a long way to accomodating everybody. Even if the conversions get a little weird along the way.
You're Correct, but I cant edit lol
Just because your an end game player, doesn't mean that you should have a new champ ranked up everyday.
You can buy 5 t1 alphas a week with glory, get 1 every 3 days with 3 day events and then with arena that gets 1.
So that's enough for a new champ each week, what you still all whinging for? You expect to do a new champ everyday? That's unreasonable, and unrealistic.
If your blowing odins on the GM featured crystals and getting loads of new 5*s that's on you, that doesn't mean you deserve more t1 when there is already enough.
Patience is a virtue
Which of your r4 5* champs are you gonna bring to r5?