Morbius Spotlight

About Morbius
In a hopeless attempt to cure his rare blood disease, Dr. Michael Morbius mutated himself with vampire bat DNA only to become a bloodthirsty pseudo-Vampire. Now he must fight a losing battle to overcome his insatiable desire to drink blood, which sustains his powerful monstrous form.
Morbius’s Mechanics
Morbius flies at his Opponent’s at racing speeds with his Psionic Glide, stacking Bleed effects in order to Petrify his Opponents. Once Petrified, Opponents can have their lifeforce drained using Morbius’ powerful Special 2 and 3.
Character Class: Science
Basic Abilities: Bleed, Rupture, Fervor, Petrify, Regeneration
Strengths and Weaknesses
Burst Damage
Morbius has a deadly bite that deals massive damage, scaling with damaging Debuffs on the Opponent.
Morbius has many sources of Regeneration that provide him survivability in the fight. Once awakened, Morbius even regenerates a portion of all Direct Damage taken.
Anti-Regeneration and Ability Power
Bleeds and all other damaging effects on the Opponent will lower Regeneration Rate and Ability Power Rate on the Opponent.
Stronger When Nullified
The Psionic Glide mechanic has a cooldown unlike most others, it’s a Buff that can be Nullified or fail due to Ability Accuracy reduction. This allows Morbius to use his powerful Psionic Glide mechanic much more frequently.
Morbius relies on his damaging debuffs to deal damage and gain powerful utility. Opponent’s that can purify or cleanse these effects shut down Morbius.
A lot of survivability hinges on Morbius’ ability to regenerate health. If his Regeneration Rate is lowered or he is Heal Blocked, he will have a tough time staying alive.
The following Stats and Abilities are based on a Rank 5, Level 65, Sig 200, 6-Star Champion
Psionic Glide
To perform a Psionic Glide, Dash forward from outside of striking distance or during the Opponent’s Special Attack causing all incoming attacks to Passively Miss Morbius until completing his first Medium Attack.
Psionic Glide’s Medium Attack is passively Unblockable and gains +9817.5 Attack Rating.
Psionic Glide’s Medium Attack also inflicts a Bleed Debuff, dealing 39.27 Direct damage over 24 seconds. This ability can be inflicted through Block. If the Opponent is recovering from a Special Attack, inflict 4 Bleeds instead.
The Psionic Glide is an excellent window of opportunity for Morbius to strike. It’s even better when used near the end of a Special Attack to avoid the last few hits of the Special and inflict bonus Bleed Debuffs!
Dev Notes
After performing a Psionic Glide, gain a 100% Fervor Buff, lasting 10 seconds. While this effect is active, Morbius cannot perform a Psionic Glide.
If the Fervor Buff is Nullified or fails due to Ability Accuracy reduction, Morbius replaces it with an identical, non-stacking Passive. The Fervor Passive does not prevent Morbius from performing a Psionic Glide. Failing due to Ability Accuracy will delay the Passive for 1.5 seconds.
Fervor is a brand new effect that boosts the Ability Accuracy of outgoing damaging effects. For Morbius, this makes his Bleeds more consistent and apply more often.
Dev Notes
Bleed Effects
20% chance for Basic Hits to inflict a Bleed Debuff, dealing 39.27 Direct Damage over 24 seconds.
Each Damaging Debuffs on the Opponent lowers Regeneration Rate by 10% and Ability Power Rate by 5%. Max Debuffs: 10.
Morbius does not benefit from the Despair Mastery. Instead, while the Opponent is suffering from any Damaging Debuff, lower their Regeneration and Ability Power Rate by +5% for each rank invested. This ability does not stack.
When the Opponent is suffering from 10+ Damaging Debuffs, inflict a non-stacking 25% Petrify Debuff, lasting 10 seconds and pausing indefinitely while the Opponent has 10+ Damaging Debuffs.
While the Opponent is Petrified, Morbius gains +1% Combat Power Rate for each Damaging Debuff on the Opponent. Max Debuffs: 30.
Those Bleeds may tickle the Opponent, but they provide great utility in the form of reducing Regeneration and Ability Power Rates. Spoiler Alert: they’re also used to deal big damage with Morb’s Special 2 and 3!
Dev Notes
Special Attack 1 – Vampiric Maul
50% chance on each hit to inflict a Bleed Debuff, dealing 39.27 Direct Damage over 24 seconds.
Personal Fervor Buffs are paused during this attack and expire immediately when it is complete.
This attack is the most reliable way to inflict Bleeds on your Opponent. And it has the added benefit of readying your next Psionic Glide. A well-timed Special 1 can demonstrate mastery over Morb’s abilities.
Dev Notes
Special Attack 2 – Feast
Personal Damaging Debuffs are paused during this attack.
If the Opponent is Petrified, the second hit becomes a Guaranteed Critical Hit, consuming all damaging debuffs on the Opponent and increasing Attack Rating by +1570.8 for each debuff consumed. Max Debuffs: 40.
Passively regenerate 15% of the damage dealt by the second hit, up to 10% of Max Health.
IT’S MORBIN’ TIME! This Special Attack deletes the Opponent’s health bar and steals some of their health too. Make sure to build up as many Bleeds as you can, before activating this powerful Special.
Dev Notes
Special Attack 3 – Mesmerize
If the Opponent is Petrified, gain +1570.8 Attack Rating for each damaging debuff on the Opponent but do not consume them. Max Debuffs: 40.
Passively regenerate 15% of damage dealt, up to 10% of Max Health.
This Special Attack may look familiar, that’s because it behaves very similarly to the Special 2, however this Special also does not consume Bleed effects on the Opponent so Morbius can retain his Regeneration and Ability Power Rate reductions.
Dev Notes
Signature Ability – The Living Vampire
When the Opponent is Immune to personal Bleed, 100% chance to inflict a Rupture Debuff instead, dealing Physical Damage and copying the Bleeds behavior.
This ability makes Morbius go from bleed-reliant to an extremely versatile damage dealer. Keep in mind that the chance for Ruptures to be applied will also be affected by Morb’s Fervor, meaning that even at 50% chance, with Fervor active, Morbius has a 100% chance to inflict a Rupture!
Dev Notes
When taking Direct Damage from any source, gain a non-stacking Undying Passive that falls off after not taking Direct Damage for 2 seconds. Cooldown: 8 seconds.
While Undying is active, instantly Regenerate 50% of all Direct Damage taken. Against Skill Champions, the potency of this effect is reduced by 50%.
Undying is another new effect introduced with Morbius. Undying prevents the champion from being knocked out by Direct, Energy or Physical damaging effects. This is a very powerful ability, similar to Corvus’ Signature Ability, Glaive of Immortality.
Be careful though, even while Undying is active, taking a single hit or even blocking a hit could result in a K.O.
On top of Undying, Morbius has the ability to Regenerate a fraction of all Direct Damage dealt, meaning that he becomes much stronger against Degeneration, Bleed and Poison effects, some Quest Buffs and even the Recoil Mastery.
Dev Notes
Synergy Bonuses
Tormented Souls – Unique (5-Star+)
With Werewolf By Night, Elsa Bloodstone, Man-Thing, Ghost Rider, Punisher
Legion of Monsters Champions: At the start of each fight, inflict a 35% Torment Passive for 30 seconds.
Punisher: Gain this synergy’s bonuses after taking a Lethal Blow during the Quest.
The Hunter and the Hunted – Unique (4-Star+)
With Blade
Morbius: Well-Timed Blocks inflict a Bleed Debuff, dealing 1% of Attack Damage over 10 seconds. Max 10 stacks.
Blade: Damaging Debuffs on the Opponent lower Ability Power Rate by 5%. Max 10 Debuffs.
It’s Alive! – Unique (3-Star+)
With Punisher, Mole-Man
Synergy Members: +10% Bleed Debuff duration.
Punisher: While Indestructible, hits grant a Regeneration Passive, recovering 2% of Missing Health over 3 seconds. Max 3 stacks.
Lethal Protectors – Unique (2-Star+)
With Carnage, Venom, Misty Knight, Iron Fist
All Champions gain +85 Critical Rating.
Recommended Masteries
Morbius may have a built-in ability that works like Despair, but by using this Mastery you can increase the potency of his existing Regeneration and Ability Power Rate reduction abilities.
Recoil, Double Edge, and Liquid Courage
When awakened, Morbius recovers a fraction of damage taken from Direct Damage, which includes all three of these Masteries.
Deep Wounds