Based on the timer it appears to be Monday start, but I think they could have done a better job of indicating which day is which. Granted there are complexities involving time zones and date lines, but still.
Regardless, the one thing I think should be absolutely immutable is whenever day one starts, it cannot be offset by any event in the future. In other words, a one hour delay because of some server glitch might be acceptable, but a one day delay is not acceptable. If the entire week offsets by an entire day and "Day 1" falls on a completely different calendar day, that will throw off everyone's scheduling. The whole point is to give players agency on which days to do AQ. That schedule can never be significantly altered just because the days don't have names.
It is hard to use a “definitive” day to indicate when something will occur, because in different parts of the world (timezones) that *day* may be either one earlier or one later that the one you are talking about.
In AQ case, Europe and Americas starts on “Monday” (at different times of the day on Monday) but the further east you go in Asia eventually it crosses Midnight and so thus would technically start on Tuesday early morning for as far east as you get before reaching the international date line.
Day 2: Tue-Wed
Day 3: Wed-Thu
Day 4: Thu-Fri
Day 5: Fri-Sat
Day 6: Sat-Sun
Day 7: Sun-Mon
Regardless, the one thing I think should be absolutely immutable is whenever day one starts, it cannot be offset by any event in the future. In other words, a one hour delay because of some server glitch might be acceptable, but a one day delay is not acceptable. If the entire week offsets by an entire day and "Day 1" falls on a completely different calendar day, that will throw off everyone's scheduling. The whole point is to give players agency on which days to do AQ. That schedule can never be significantly altered just because the days don't have names.
In AQ case, Europe and Americas starts on “Monday” (at different times of the day on Monday) but the further east you go in Asia eventually it crosses Midnight and so thus would technically start on Tuesday early morning for as far east as you get before reaching the international date line.