Why can't I Enlist in the New AQ system?

Sup Guys. Trying to enlist in the new AQ system. It won't let me "save" my designated days for my alliance. I have map 8 with eternal mods on and chose min-thurs, and it won't let me save it to enlist. Anyone know why? TYIA!!!!
It currently says NOT ENLISTED because new AQ system (and first week for it) has NOT begun yet.
So long as you can SAVE your Next Week's Setup, that will become the Current Week in a matter of hours later on today.
You DON'T also need to separately “Enlist” BG's. They will show as Enlisted for whichever days they are setup for.
The big ENLIST button on the bottom of that 3-BG current day's status is only there to take you to changing future days setup. NOT to have to manually “Enlist” BG's for which you have already configured them in Setup screen.
*Note, after the “Next Week” setup transfers to This Week upon the weekly start time, you will then be able to adjust the then-current “This Week”, separately from what you have setup for future Next Week's, based on how This Week is going so far or need to adjust Modifiers based on some BG's missing some boss kills, etc.
So in AW, it does show “Enlisted” for the Next War.
But that is not how this AQ screen will operate. AQ will be showing “Enlisted” for the current day, and that is where your members will go in and Join the BG's for this current day.
So, as anticipated, the AQ day just started, and what was noted earlier, the big ENLIST button at the bottom of the left side panel showing you that day's 3 BG's status (which was why original post above said “why aren’t we enlisted?”, has it's button wording now changed to say PLAY NOW now that the week/series has started.
Which upon clicking is where you would then Spectate or Join any BG.
*note, “ANY” BG. It does indeed let you join a different BG from what alliance leadership had “assigned” you. As anticipated, because “Assigned” status is still just a recommended BG, like previously.
Which will be further expanded upon over in the Main Announcement post for AQ 2.0