Valiant offers available to those who become Valiant on the day?

So as was the case with previous progression based offers, are we able to become Valiant over the course of Cyber Weekend and have the Valiant offers then appear or do you need to be Valiant before 24 November to be able to purchase them?
I busted my ass for paragon, and now I’m there, I don’t really see any Benefit at all lol
- Polygon (probably)
I don't think we've seen that guy since
Then again, a lot of those you can usually score a some kind of deal or eBay/marketplace find. MCOC is the only one where you’re always going to have to pay top dollar if you want to stay competitive.
Most people who spend big make large amounts of money and this isn’t much of an expense for them. Would I spend much on this game even in that situation? No, but I’m not them. There’s other stuff that I’m more interested in saving for. We should grateful to them because they’re keeping the game alive. The more they spend the longer we can all play for free
I fully expect the game to be gone one day, and the only thing remaining will be memories of experiences. So that’s what I spend my money on: experiences. I’ve played games that have shut down in the past, and I’ve spent on games that aren’t around anymore, and I have no illlusions about what I’m spending on, and I hope and presume that’s true for the vast majority of the whales of this game.