I am writing to you with a sense of growing frustration and outright anger regarding the appalling state of matchmaking in Marvel Contest of Champions. As an uncollected player, it is utterly unacceptable that I am consistently paired against paragons and thronebreakers, creating an environment that can only be described as rigged and fundamentally unfair.
To illustrate the stark disparity, I have attached screenshots comparing my champion roster with those of my opponents. The evidence is glaring, highlighting a severe imbalance that severely undermines the integrity of the game.
I implore you to address this issue urgently and revaluate the matchmaking algorithm to restore a semblance of fairness. The current state not only diminishes the gaming experience for me but also raises serious concerns about the integrity of the competition within Marvel Contest of Champions.
I expect immediate action and a transparent response on the steps being taken to rectify this situation. The player community deserves better, and your commitment to fairness and enjoyment in the game should not be compromised.
And also I appreciate your efforts to make the game better, but still, the match making is rigged.

To illustrate the stark disparity, I have attached screenshots comparing my champion roster with those of my opponents. The evidence is glaring, highlighting a severe imbalance that severely undermines the integrity of the game.
I implore you to address this issue urgently and revaluate the matchmaking algorithm to restore a semblance of fairness. The current state not only diminishes the gaming experience for me but also raises serious concerns about the integrity of the competition within Marvel Contest of Champions.
I expect immediate action and a transparent response on the steps being taken to rectify this situation. The player community deserves better, and your commitment to fairness and enjoyment in the game should not be compromised.
And also I appreciate your efforts to make the game better, but still, the match making is rigged.

I hope this message finds you well. I want to extend a sincere apology for the tone and frustration expressed in my recent messages regarding the matchmaking in Marvel Contest of Champions.
Upon reflection, I realize that my emotions got the best of me, and I could have conveyed my concerns more constructively. I understand that game development is a complex process, and your team works diligently to provide an enjoyable experience for all players.
I appreciate the effort you put into Marvel Contest of Champions and the challenges you navigate to maintain a fair and balanced gaming environment. I'm sorry for any undue stress my previous messages may have caused.
Thank you for your understanding, and I look forward to continued improvements in the game.
Best regards,
Now a question for you. Battlegrounds is a competition, with all the players competing for the same ranks in the same game mode from VT to GC. Out of all the players out there that are playing the game mode (by my estimate, on the order of 200k to 300k players), where do you think you should be able to place from rank 1 to rank 300,000?
It keeps getting repeated, but I don't think everyone fully understands the precise meaning behind the phrase (not even all the people using it, even). Battlegrounds is a competition. That means the players are competing against the other players. In PvE content (player vs the environment) content is designed to provide a specific level of challenge appropriate to the target audience of the content. Uncollected EQ has a certain difficulty targeting the average UC player. The Abyss has a completely different difficulty level targeting much stronger players.
But the competitive game modes, Alliance War and Battlegrounds specifically, do not pit you against content. They pit you against other players. When you win, someone else loses. In effect, we the players dictate the difficulty of the mode, because we are the content everyone else is trying to beat. And there is no obligation on any player to make it easy for any other player.
In GC when you rise up, someone else goes down. The Victory Track is designed to both encourage participation and emphasize competition as it transitions to GC. At the start, everyone faces relatively equal progression and roster competition specifically to promote participation. But as you go higher in VT tiers, the game shifts from participation based matching to competitive matching. In competitive matching, to get past one tier you have to beat the players in that tier. You aren't allowed to avoid the stronger ones just because you are weaker.
The higher you go, the stronger the competition gets, all other things being equal, because stronger players tend to rise higher. If you want to get past them, you have to beat them. All of them. That's what it means to be a competition. It means the game has no obligation to make things easy or "fair." You beat them, or they beat you, and if they are stronger than you they are very likely to beat you, and that is 100% intentional.
There are people who like to characterize this as "pay to win." These people have never actually looked at any major competition anywhere else on Earth more than superficially. In *every* competition there are rules that state what is fair, and what is unfair to do in that competition. And within those rules, competitors do their very best to gain an advantage over their competitors. No one wants a "fair fight" in a competition. They want to win. The rules in the NFL say every team must obey a salary cap, so no team can spend more than a certain amount of money on player salaries. But they can spend an unlimited amount of money on coaches, staff, management, facilities, training, stadiums, charter flights, hotels, champagne and hookers, literally anything else except player salaries. They can and will spend to gain an advantage. Meanwhile the MLB has no salary cap rule, so while some teams spend tens of millions of dollars on player salaries, others spend hundreds of millions of dollars. And they have to face each other.
Think about Chess. A game often described as the ultimate game of skill. It is just a board, 32 pieces, and two guys sitting at a table. And yet this ultimate game of skill requires tons of money to compete at the professional level. If you don't have money you can't travel to competitions. You can't subscribe to the best chess libraries. If you're working a 9 to 5 job you don't have time to study computer lines. Amateur chess basically costs nothing. Professional top tier chess costs so much to compete you literally can't do it without sponsors of some kind. Professional chess players often *lose* money overall while competing. If you're not spending, you're not competing.
Some things you can do, and some things you can't do in every competition. One of the things you can do in MCOC Battlegrounds is bring the roster you earned in the game, by whatever means you earned it. That is part of the rules, so that advantage is a fair advantage by definition. If you want to neutralize that advantage, you have to progress and build roster like everyone else.