How Kind Of You Kabam 🫶

How Nice of kabam to absolutely tax arena all my 6* R3 champs and up or below get equal Pi fights to govern our points perhaps🤔 what ever it may be it seems to have started recently and its absolutely minimizing my points to the max in this kushala arena I haven't lost single match and all my fights are champs below my pi of the same thanks Kascam for taxing us😁

I do 8 fights with 6 stars (R5, R4 and R3s) , then I only use 7s. I get all milestones in about 45ish fights
You‘re not making friends if you use terms like „Kascam“ and so on here but probably risk extra treatment against your account (bad Forum behavior could affect your ingame account … e.g. Golivarez?).
Has been this way forever.
You never used to get much higher champs than yours across the board. Although *which* of the 3 opponent players you choose to match with also do range in strength (but typically due to lower masteries on up to one with higher masteries)
(2) Your particular comparison of Warlock champs shows yours (even unawakened) at higher Rating that Awakened Warlock of opponent. So that probably means you are running higher Masteries (Bleed/Poison) that increases Rating, and increases your Arena points a little also.
You happened to pick an opponent with lower masteries (their Awakened lower rated than your UNawakened version).
That does not mean they are cheating you of points, in fact you are getting higher points because you have higher masteries.