Necropolis - Kate Bishop

Just got Kate and was going to use her for a necropolis run (No Aegon or shuri)
What fights do I need different champs for on the easy path? Suggestions for team composition?
What fights do I need different champs for on the easy path? Suggestions for team composition?
Video guide here:
For fights like Titania, Air Walker, and Omega Sentinel (and on other paths Ibom/Spidey2099), you want to get 2x Tranquilize up first so no debuff ever touches you. Then just apply the fragility as normal followed by coldsnap and caltrops. Hope this helps!
Like ramping them alone takes bit of time and nothing gonna be worst than starting the same ramp up for 30+ times.
I for one going to follow Pepe Aegon run, eventually.
@Emilia90 can you comment on this since you used her? Just curious what caused the fight to go in a completely different direction to the point it costed 90 revives as @Ironman3000 mentioned
Remember that you barely ever have to be worried about her effects expiring or the opponent refusing to throw a special because she has an amazing cornered ability. The opponent would never fail to throw a special when I had them in the corner, it’s so easy to bait them repeatedly, then go into relic stun/evade stun and refresh your effects. She also pauses her effects when hitting block if she’s awakened.
I honestly have no idea how it would cost 90 revives tbh. I’m not familiar with Cap and his play style, but it’s not normal for most other YouTubers I’ve watched. KM, Lags, and MSD all did it with her super easily.
But beware that enthusiasm: the man has Skillzzzzz. And just because he can do something doesn't mean that you can do it...