Any Chance of a Premium Hero Crystal Update?

A 3% chance of a 4* has to be one of the most outdated rewards in the game


  • LokxLokx Member Posts: 1,589 ★★★★

    Wong_98 said:

    Guess what? They’re not for high end players

    Guess what, they're useless for anyone who joined more than a week ago
    a week ago is soo short. the crystal should only be needed to players who can get by on content that require 2*. If your at a point in the contest where you need 4* then they are there for iso farming and to get 4* you have plenty of options available within the event quests.
  • CASrinivasCASrinivas Member Posts: 1,109 ★★★

    A 3% chance of a 4* has to be one of the most outdated rewards in the game

    Are you atuck in 2017? Before UC happened?
  • StarhawkStarhawk Member Posts: 666 ★★★
    I see no issues with the drop rates but I wish they would add more 2 star champs to them. I realize they don't because they can sell the special crystals but it would not affect them if they added the 2 oldest champs every month not already in the crystals... People that collect 2 star champs would still collect them this would just allow people to add Sig levels to then.... Speaking of 2 stars Gwen at the movies needs to return
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,564 Guardian

    A 3% chance of a 4* has to be one of the most outdated rewards in the game

    There’s no such thing as an outdated reward. Rewards are not designed based on what year it is. They are designed to operate within a resource ladder. There are lower rewards, and higher rewards, and higher still rewards, in a progression upward. There comes a point when an individual player might not see much value in those rewards, but it is rare that a reward becomes completely obsolete, since new players join all the time.

    Sure, there are players who say things like players outgrow those rewards in the blink of an eye, it they are just wrong, no way around that. Different players advance at different speeds, and there are players who still use 4* champs for some specific amount of time in the early game. There are also others who use them in arenas.

    Because rewards form a ladder, you can’t arbitrarily boost one reward without considering the knock on effects on other rewards. If you boost the PHC, does that mean you have to boost the GMC to maintain relative separation? Do you then need to boost the Cav? What about featured GMC, which not only do people still open, they *still spend cash on* as evidenced by the fact Kabam still sells them.

    The day all the 2*, 3*, and 4* champs disappear from the game, along with all the content that contains them, and the game starts new players off with 5* Spider Man, that’s the day the PHC will become outdated. Until then, people saying the PHC is “outdated” are just asking for more rewards, and using the PHC to disguise that fact.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,564 Guardian
    Starhawk said:

    I see no issues with the drop rates but I wish they would add more 2 star champs to them. I realize they don't because they can sell the special crystals but it would not affect them if they added the 2 oldest champs every month not already in the crystals... People that collect 2 star champs would still collect them this would just allow people to add Sig levels to then.... Speaking of 2 stars Gwen at the movies needs to return

    Right now spenders can hunt for 2* champs by occasionally buying collector crystals. In return for that spending they get stuff almost no one else cares about and gives them virtually no advantage in the game. Kabam is rightfully hesitant to eliminate revenue sources that people are willing to spend on, while having virtually no impact on the overall game economy and power balance.

    In other words, whenever someone wants to spend money and get almost nothing of value to the game, that’s something we don’t want to tamper with.
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