Does Kabam have anything to say on this, besides "working as intended"?

Just came across a video where the AI completely dexing your specials and lot more crazy stuff.
Video links including popular Youtubers for reference:
This is on top of weird things AI had been doing like reading my inputs and then reacting to them, Power Gaining champs being more defensive until they get to Sp3, punishing heavy attacks is not a thing now, AI intercepts with specials. As a player, moments like these can be frustrating.
Video links including popular Youtubers for reference:

This is on top of weird things AI had been doing like reading my inputs and then reacting to them, Power Gaining champs being more defensive until they get to Sp3, punishing heavy attacks is not a thing now, AI intercepts with specials. As a player, moments like these can be frustrating.
@Kabam Miike @Kabam Jax take a look at the first video
Things like this is what makes me thing about not spending during cyber week.
Dragon man seems to be very defensive if he is above 2 bars of power and power gain buff is active, but he do launch his sp1s easily
But what the heck, Kabam is also refusing to fix the AI which somehow adapted and got roided up, have to stop before it morphs into some crazy Ultron thing or whatever.
They have a section on why it feels different in their post on the AI. Not quite sure where they’re claiming the AI is the same, or the paragraph screenshotted would probably say “it doesn’t”
They have managed to re-create the AI to act the exact same as it used to, and this is so they can more accurately fix the problems that come up. They haven't ever said that the AI is fixed yet
Still after all this the team has no acknowledgement or any word about their game and AI being broken. As if there are no issues and it is intended.
I don’t think they got the AI to operate the same as before, this AI is clearly much worse. But some posters here would have you believe otherwise.
The AI is literally seeing you dash in (to tap their block) and choosing to special intercept now.