ISO shortage!

I notice that the availability of ISO has been far left behind since the more and more champs’ ranking are moving towards 6R5 or 7 star….
The most common way for me to get a lot of ISO is by duping champs through crystals opening. However, considering the huge demand of ISO from high ranking champs (aka 6R5 or 7 star), the amount of ISO from Crystal opening is still waaaay insufficient.
In the past, since there was no 7 stars or many 6R5 champs available in the game, the availability of ISO was still able to catch the need of ISO as long as the players were playing the game actively. But now even for an active player, the shortage of ISO is still inevitable (same situation can also be found in so many MCOC YouTubers), which I don’t think it is good for the homeostasis of the game.
I recommend Kabam comes up with some ways to improve the availability of ISO. For example, exchange ISO with gold, reduce the unit price of ISO in loyalty store, or update the amount of ISO when champs are duped, etc.
Any comments welcome =D
The most common way for me to get a lot of ISO is by duping champs through crystals opening. However, considering the huge demand of ISO from high ranking champs (aka 6R5 or 7 star), the amount of ISO from Crystal opening is still waaaay insufficient.
In the past, since there was no 7 stars or many 6R5 champs available in the game, the availability of ISO was still able to catch the need of ISO as long as the players were playing the game actively. But now even for an active player, the shortage of ISO is still inevitable (same situation can also be found in so many MCOC YouTubers), which I don’t think it is good for the homeostasis of the game.
I recommend Kabam comes up with some ways to improve the availability of ISO. For example, exchange ISO with gold, reduce the unit price of ISO in loyalty store, or update the amount of ISO when champs are duped, etc.
Any comments welcome =D
im sitting on 3K+ iso constantly (class iso cause i sell basic)
Never had to open a single crystal to get ISO-8 till now. Currently sitting at thousands of them, and 500+ of them being 4-star crystals. I'm constantly ranking up champions and still flooded with ISO-8 to spend, even sometimes leveling up champs just so it doesn't expire
You can only use Rank-up materials on rank up, if out of all the rank-up materials you only lack ISO or Gold, then its not about management, since you cant use ISO for getting champs, or doing content outside of ranking up champions, the same happens with Cats, so if you are short on only one thing it means there is a lack of that thing rather than management problem since there is not other place to use those resources.
Not saying that there is a lack of ISO, since we have Incursions right now, which give you a lot of 4* dupes and a "decent" amount of gold.
But is true that with the release of 7*, I think 6* dupes should give more ISO instead
If you're dumping ISO-8 into champs you'll never use, then you have a resource management issue. I have a few dozens of 6 and 7*'s that are at R1 1/25 because I don't want to invest the ISO and gold into them.
There's ISO-8 selectors in the Glory store as well. It's 95% resource management issue and the other 5% is just the face that you'll be short on a resource somewhere.
If you don't have an abundance of ISO... be more selective on where you use it
I rank in top 10% every level up event, I have over 4k ISO in stash
I don't buy any type of crystals or shards, I only buy rank up materials
I never use generic ISO, only class (50% better investment)
I have maybe 250 ISO bricks, I only lvl up champions I need and that Im going to rank up, mostly for BGs purposes, Necro purposes now, and I have Cats expiring everywhere, my main issue is ISO, since gold is not that hard to obtain, as I said, I wont say it is due to shortage of ISO, since maybe with Incursions I would have a ton more but, the ISO we receive its pretty much low overall, mainly with 7* champions needing an insane amount of ISO, so I think there is a lack of ISO still, and the gold crystals are not worth the Unit cost they have, not at all
In my opinion is not a fun part of the game to manage ISO and be selective.
The daily ISO quests could use a bump. I wouldn't mind running those more often for some decent ISO rewards.
There will be the usual people with vested interests that whale out or have all the champs so every crystal is a dupe and ISO, who try to play down this issue because it keeps other players lower than them in competitive, but their opinion is frankly irrelevant to this basic and clear imbalance.
I mean, on stores ISO is dearer than most catalysts! Clearly a strategy from Kabam, who is clearly more interested in increasing the gap between FTP and non-FTP, thinking that it will decrease the FTP playerbase, but it's ultimately a strategy that is bound to backfire at some level. This fits with the abrupt decrease in ISO rewards on events.
Watch this space. The next unit store deals will be ISO.
By definition, since rank up resources can only be used for rank ups, there will *always* be a shortage. Because those resources can only be funneled into rank ups, at some point one of them will run out first. That one will become the bottleneck. That's unavoidable. It may be different resources for different players because different players earn different resources at different rates, but one of them must run out first.
There are only two exceptions to this rule. Three, if you could the obvious. First of all, a player can choose not to spend all their resources on rank ups immediately, to save them to have options in the future. We're going to set this aside for now: even in this case one of those resources would be the bottleneck if they actually decided to do rank ups. Obviously someone who doesn't do rank ups won't have bottleneck issues.
Second, that player could miraculously run out of everything simultaneously. Then they won't have a singular bottleneck. However, in a game like this that's essentially impossible. There is no way for that to happen for more than a handful of players by coincidence, because of the aforementioned fact that different players earn resources at different rates.
And finally, there's the degenerate case where the player literally runs out of champions to rank up. At that point, they cease to have a bottleneck problem and start to have a "I can't use all these resources" problem. That's also a corner case the game does not specifically design for.
The existence of bottlenecks cannot be "the game's fault" when they are inevitable. You can add more ISO, but that won't help me: I have tons of ISO. I lack certain catalysts. To solve my bottleneck problem you would have to add more catalysts to the game economy. Which would exasperate the bottleneck of the players with ISO bottlenecks, because now they would have even more catalysts sitting in inventory they can't use because they don't have enough ISO to take their champs to max level to then rank up.
Everyone has different bottlenecks, and adding more of one kind of bottleneck just makes everyone else's worse, because they will have even more of what they can't use.
Active resource management can't make something out of nothing. But what it can do is use resources in the most efficient manner possible. You can't rank everything you want as fast as you want, but you can use resources in a balanced way so that no resource gets so bad that everything else starts to expire because you can't use it. That's never happened to me before, because I never let it get to that point, because there are lots of options for ensuring that doesn't happen and I use them.