Introduce set masteries for war defense

Dear Kabam,
This has been up brought up several times now but it’s worth posting again because the issue remains and it’s not a minor one.
Fixed masteries for AW defense placement similar to what exists in BGs are badly needed.
Our alliance members repeatedly say they would gladly pay several thousand units just to have that feature available. People are just annoyed with having to switch masteries after every war before the next one.
We play in master and while everyone is responsible we have to chase half of the alliance to switch their masteries for next war placement because many have suicides on and off because of Necropolis.
It annoys officers, it annoys members.
It’s just an inconvenient nuisance and it’s unclear why can’t set masteries be introduced for AW placement.
We dealt with defense from Master / P1 alliances this season where defenders were placed with suicides because people missed the mastery switch window or forgot. It can ruin an alliance’s chances to win a war.
It would greatly relieve the pressure on alliance members and officers if AW defense masteries could be locked and not changed again and again.
Other than being a huge bother for all, it really doesn’t help anyone. People will still spend units on mastery changes, the units the game obtains from it won’t be affected. They simply won’t be forced to swap masteries before the matchmaking every single time (yeah they can do it earlier but people want to keep suicides for arena, Necropolis so changes are done closer to matchmaking rather than a day earlier).
Thanks for considering
This has been up brought up several times now but it’s worth posting again because the issue remains and it’s not a minor one.
Fixed masteries for AW defense placement similar to what exists in BGs are badly needed.
Our alliance members repeatedly say they would gladly pay several thousand units just to have that feature available. People are just annoyed with having to switch masteries after every war before the next one.
We play in master and while everyone is responsible we have to chase half of the alliance to switch their masteries for next war placement because many have suicides on and off because of Necropolis.
It annoys officers, it annoys members.
It’s just an inconvenient nuisance and it’s unclear why can’t set masteries be introduced for AW placement.
We dealt with defense from Master / P1 alliances this season where defenders were placed with suicides because people missed the mastery switch window or forgot. It can ruin an alliance’s chances to win a war.
It would greatly relieve the pressure on alliance members and officers if AW defense masteries could be locked and not changed again and again.
Other than being a huge bother for all, it really doesn’t help anyone. People will still spend units on mastery changes, the units the game obtains from it won’t be affected. They simply won’t be forced to swap masteries before the matchmaking every single time (yeah they can do it earlier but people want to keep suicides for arena, Necropolis so changes are done closer to matchmaking rather than a day earlier).
Thanks for considering