565 ascended vs 6r4 difference

So for ascending 5 star champs, how much harder would a rank 4 star champ hit compared to the ascended 5 star version, generally speaking?
I'm considering max sig ascended aegon for necropolis over a sig 40 6 star that's currently at r2 l1 and for a completion run, what would be the ballpark revive difference estimate using the general guesses that seem to be passed along the community
I know this doesn't take skill into account and it'd be no suicides also either way. I currently don't have a sig stone in my account I could add to the 6 star also
I'm considering max sig ascended aegon for necropolis over a sig 40 6 star that's currently at r2 l1 and for a completion run, what would be the ballpark revive difference estimate using the general guesses that seem to be passed along the community
I know this doesn't take skill into account and it'd be no suicides also either way. I currently don't have a sig stone in my account I could add to the 6 star also
5r5 Aegon has 2707 base attack. Ascendancy boosts attack and health by 20%. That would get you to about 3248. 6r4 Aegon has 3992 base attack, which is about 23% higher. Or, conversely, 5r5 Aegon would have about 19% less attack and health.
Comparing 5r5 ascended Aegon to 6r4 non-ascended Aegon in terms of revive count is tricky. When you die, it is because of one of two reasons. First, you slowly take damage until you die. Second, something happens that insta-kills you with mega damage (like an SP3, say). When the first one happens, having more health would be meaningful: you would live longer, and by extension do more damage before you die, which reduces the amount of revives you would need. In the latter case, having more health is not beneficial, because even the higher health wouldn't save you from dying.
If the former happens, 6r4 Aegon would use about 34% fewer revives. If the latter happens, 6r4 Aegon would use about 19% fewer revives. If some mix of the two happens across an entire path, which is likely, 6r4 Aegon would save some number between those two.
So let's say 5r5 ascended Aegon would have cost 100 revives, just to make the math simple. 6r4 would use something between 66 and 81 revives.
All of this assumes both Aegons have similar sig levels. If the 5r5 is max sig and the 6r4 stays at sig 40, that will reduce the performance of the 6r4 by slowing down his ramp up substantially. Once they are ramped up sig level won't matter, but sig 40 Aegon is going to ramp up about half as fast as max sig Aegon.