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Changing country location temporarily

Hello fellow members. I will soon be moving to different country for 2 weeks and return. I might login to play there as well. Is that an issue because that will be a location change. I am afraid if it counts as suspicious to Kabam?


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    ReignkingTWReignkingTW Posts: 2,682 ★★★★★
    Nope not a.problem, enjoy.
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    SandeepSSandeepS Posts: 1,223 ★★★★
    No, in the last few years I've travelled and played on holiday. Not been banned for it.
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    ReignkingTWReignkingTW Posts: 2,682 ★★★★★
    Ok...if you go to Russia you might get banned, my bad.
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    What about if I change my device
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    DukenpukeDukenpuke Posts: 658 ★★★
    If you log in from a different country on one device, then log in from your home country on a different device 5 minutes later, you're likely going to get banned.

    If you travel abroad for two weeks with a new device, log in exclusively from the new location for that two weeks, then log in on that same new device in your home country when you get back, you'll have nothing to worry about.
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    Dukenpuke said:

    If you log in from a different country on one device, then log in from your home country on a different device 5 minutes later, you're likely going to get banned.

    That might trip some kind of warning, but that alone does not trigger bans. I've played from a moving passenger plane where my location was jumping around constantly, and that does not do anything. I've also played while randomly turning my VPN off and on, and that doesn't do anything either.

    You generally have to be doing something suspicious on top of all that to draw the devs attention, they don't ban just because a person's location moved.

    The reason why people think this is because there are many people who have hired mercs over the years and think they are being clever, and when they are caught they assume the only thing that could have snagged them was the fact that their account logged in from another country in rapid succession after they were logged in in their home country. But that's not what caught them. There's another mistake in there they almost certainly made, that doesn't seem to be common knowledge and I'm not about to describe.
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    Toproller89Toproller89 Posts: 639 ★★★
    I use vpns all the time and constantly switch between 3 devices, you're going to be fine mate.
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    MrSakuragiMrSakuragi Posts: 4,536 ★★★★★
    DNA3000 said:

    Dukenpuke said:

    If you log in from a different country on one device, then log in from your home country on a different device 5 minutes later, you're likely going to get banned.

    That might trip some kind of warning, but that alone does not trigger bans. I've played from a moving passenger plane where my location was jumping around constantly, and that does not do anything. I've also played while randomly turning my VPN off and on, and that doesn't do anything either.

    You generally have to be doing something suspicious on top of all that to draw the devs attention, they don't ban just because a person's location moved.

    The reason why people think this is because there are many people who have hired mercs over the years and think they are being clever, and when they are caught they assume the only thing that could have snagged them was the fact that their account logged in from another country in rapid succession after they were logged in in their home country. But that's not what caught them. There's another mistake in there they almost certainly made, that doesn't seem to be common knowledge and I'm not about to describe.
    From recent anti-cheating posts, it sounded like certain mercs were being tied to multiple accounts. I presumed based on their device id being tracked and only logging into accounts once to tackle specific Everest content. It probably goes deeper but it sounded like those types of connections were being made.
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    PT_99PT_99 Posts: 3,217 ★★★★★
    Dukenpuke said:

    If you log in from a different country on one device, then log in from your home country on a different device 5 minutes later, you're likely going to get banned.

    If you travel abroad for two weeks with a new device, log in exclusively from the new location for that two weeks, then log in on that same new device in your home country when you get back, you'll have nothing to worry about.

    So you're telling me if I hire someone from other country to 100% Necro and open my account from my place after 2 weeks, I'll be safe?
    Yes yes, I see.
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    PT_99 said:

    Dukenpuke said:

    If you log in from a different country on one device, then log in from your home country on a different device 5 minutes later, you're likely going to get banned.

    If you travel abroad for two weeks with a new device, log in exclusively from the new location for that two weeks, then log in on that same new device in your home country when you get back, you'll have nothing to worry about.

    So you're telling me if I hire someone from other country to 100% Necro and open my account from my place after 2 weeks, I'll be safe?
    Yes yes, I see.
    I am going on holidays and have no plan to even touch necropolis lol
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    Ok...if you go to Russia you might get banned, my bad.

    Going to India and it is my home country
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