Why Was My Post Deleted?

My post was deleted without warning or a reason why. Is there a way to find out why it could have been deleted?
(The post was a poll asking how much people spend in MCOC)
(The post was a poll asking how much people spend in MCOC)
“Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.”-Oscar Wilde
It is perfectly fine for people to start threads like "hey post your openings for such and such offer." Implicit in that thread is the fact that people actually did buy that offer. Those players sharing what they got is perfectly fine, and those kinds of threads rarely become heated or controversial.
But when you ask everyone "how much did you spend" there are some people who just won't stop there. They will start arguments justifying why how much they spend is the right amount and why everyone else is wrong. Free to play vs spender is in effect a religious topic on the forums.
Not that it doesn't come up elsewhere, but an over-concentration of it is probably something the mods want to try to avoid.