Battlerealms Necropolis

Can you please, pretty please, stop putting me against those who have completed the Necropolis? I simply do not have that many rank 2 7* champs or that many accended champs. Extremely over balanced in the others favour.
Last season I tracked my matches. I averaged facing accounts that were 53% higher in hero rating and 7% higher in prestige. I also made it to the GC right at the two week mark. Just because you face stacked rosters constantly doesn't mean you can't reasonably progress
Just keep at it
You waste my time, and you waste yours (or maybe time isn’t precious to these people, idk)
So even though there are two sections to Battlegrounds, there is, in a sense, three phases. Protected VT, where you predominantly match only against players of your roster strength and/or progression tier, Mid-tier VT where you match against everyone else who reaches the same victory track, and finally Gladiator Circuit where you match against anyone with your competition rating, regardless of roster strength or progression tier.
The specific intent is for the beginning tiers to incentivize participation, with some competitive elements. The GC is there to be a pure dog eat dog competition, winner take all. And in between the two is a transition phase where the player loses the participation protections, and starts facing the kinds of competition that they will eventually have to face if they reach GC.
It is by no means simplistic. It is a very deliberate set up that has evolved over many seasons to reach this form, and all the things players point out as problems are actually deliberate features deliberately placed there.
This was before staggered starts in the Victory track, but the principles are basically the same. The hardest day of BG is the first day, and the easiest day of BG is the last one. The strongest players and rosters have the best chance of advancing in the beginning, but eventually all (or most) of the strongest Paragons and Valiants will be gone, and then the mid tier Paragons, and then eventually many of the lower Paragons and Thronebreakers will probably be in Vibranium or GC.
The critical insight is always: if you're surrounded by super strong players who are always winning, why are they still in your tier? And the answer is, eventually they won't be.
Its better to have the roster in balance from a content like Necropolis as opposed to those that have the fatter wallets (July 4 of last year).
The real issue you should be attacking are those sudden deals that if you spend $100 you get a shiny new exclusive champ along with 5k units.
Necropolis was a way for them to put rewards behind content and it was a step up, but the recent banquet deals I described above, was a step back down as if they keep doing that, then BGs will just come down to whoever spends the most money wins the most matches
Not to mention I believe the matching up by rank in a tier (not by deck strength and progression) should start at Diamond 1 (not at Platimum 2 as mentioned before in this thread). My opinion is that to get out of Diamond you are introduced to the ranking system used in the GC and you have Diamond 1 and all of Vibranium to figure things out and improve your deck and skill. Also, a mention to players as they enter Diamond 1 that they will face whoever is available in their tier going forward and deck strength and progression no longer matter.