Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.


can nothing be done to stop these fools even if barely? if not i am quiting the game .


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    ahmynutsahmynuts Posts: 6,742 ★★★★★
    This just makes me think of how much trial and error that guy had to go through to find coherent words similar enough to what he wanted to say to make that sentence. Should we be impressed or disgusted? Hard to say
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    o_oo_o Posts: 834 ★★★★
    ahmynuts said:

    This just makes me think of how much trial and error that guy had to go through to find coherent words similar enough to what he wanted to say to make that sentence. Should we be impressed or disgusted? Hard to say

    Both, with emphasis on the latter
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    ahmynutsahmynuts Posts: 6,742 ★★★★★
    o_o said:

    ahmynuts said:

    This just makes me think of how much trial and error that guy had to go through to find coherent words similar enough to what he wanted to say to make that sentence. Should we be impressed or disgusted? Hard to say

    Both, with emphasis on the latter
    I agree with this decision
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    Toproller89Toproller89 Posts: 645 ★★★
    Just block them, it's easy.
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    ragnaragna Posts: 8
    edited December 2023
    even if you block them
    there will be someone new
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    captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Posts: 5,866 ★★★★★
    ragna said:

    can nothing be done to stop these fools even if barely? if not i am quiting the game .

    There will always be peeps like this in every forum, they create new accounts just to spread hatred, so the best you can do is turn off global chat if you don't wanna get offended.
    Even if kabam ban them, they easily create new account, play for a week, and start spreading hate
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    ragna said:

    even if you block them
    there will be someone new

    Yes, and they unfortunately exist everywhere. On every internet forum, in every online game, they even exist out on the street. You can quit the game to avoid them if you choose, but where are you going to go?

    We can block them, we can ban them, we can reduce their impact but we can't really eliminate them, not in public spaces. The best we can do is try to ignore them. These people do what they do to get a reaction. The most successful communities I've seen deal with them by simply starving them for attention until they go away.
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    ragnaragna Posts: 8
    so i have to turn global off man that sucks but here i go
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