So I have a generic 4-star awakening gem. These are my 4-star champions, in the picture...

The top row guys are all 4/40. Except Spiderman (3/30). The second row (and Black Panther) are all 3/30. The others are 1/10. I have done some research, looking at lists of the best champions in each class, and I've decided I will only use the gem on Archangel or Hulk. Unless a compelling case is made for someone else. If we are offered the 4-star gem for a dollar, if the game gets one million facebook likes, then I will definitely buy it, no doubt. So I'm holding the gem until then, hoping to get one of those two guys. Then my choice is easy... use the gem on the other one. But if we don't get the million likes, or if I get some other champion from the dollar crystal... then who do I awaken? Hulk? Archangel? Someone else I have? Someone else I might get from the crystal? Thank you for reading, and voting!

The top row guys are all 4/40. Except Spiderman (3/30). The second row (and Black Panther) are all 3/30. The others are 1/10. I have done some research, looking at lists of the best champions in each class, and I've decided I will only use the gem on Archangel or Hulk. Unless a compelling case is made for someone else. If we are offered the 4-star gem for a dollar, if the game gets one million facebook likes, then I will definitely buy it, no doubt. So I'm holding the gem until then, hoping to get one of those two guys. Then my choice is easy... use the gem on the other one. But if we don't get the million likes, or if I get some other champion from the dollar crystal... then who do I awaken? Hulk? Archangel? Someone else I have? Someone else I might get from the crystal? Thank you for reading, and voting!
However ww2 would be a solid choice.
I would love to have an awakened Hulk also, because I hear he gets a lot stronger, so I'm hoping for one of those two from the dollar crystal (which we probably won't even get... one million... lol). But Archangel is clearly preferred.
Still, I'm waiting two more days... I think there's a chance MAYBE they'll do the offer, even without the million likes.
I also have a 4-star magic class awakening gem. I got it when they had those big sales a few days ago. I bought a lot of stuff. I'm waiting to see... IF they have the dollar crystal, and IF I get Mephisto from it... then I'll awaken him with the purple gem. If not, I'm using it on Mordo. I just got him, and I really enjoy using him. He's great fun to play, and I plan to take him up to 4/40 after Archangel. Sure, I could wait and hope someday I get Doctor Voodoo... but who knows when, or if, that will ever even happen?
I see a few of you suggested I should awaken Magick. I know a lot of people like her, but I just really hate the character. I never use her for anything, except arenas. And she's never going above 1/10. She's lucky I didn't sell her for shards yet. I needed 100 five-star shards a few days ago... she only survived because I had her useless brother to sell. Lol.
In a game filled with big strong tough cool heros and monsters, armed with weapons and fire and armor... I have no use for some little girl wearing nothing but panties and hooker boots, like some bondage s&m prostitute. Just the whole design of the costume is ridiculous to me. Anyway... sorry for the rant. LOL.
and i'm not sure if you're just offended that marvel (not the game, the comics. because that's where her costume comes from) objectified her or if i should be offended that you don't think women can be superheroes
I'm normally pretty good at picking the popular option but this time I took Hulk.
I used a generic on AA from the 12.0 compensation and don't regret it but everyone says Hulk kicks ar$e so I took that option.
You are objectifying physical pleasure workers and demeaning those who choose to wear non conformative dress.
Please try not to make assumptions based on appearance because that is discriminatory and shows a lack of respect for the rights of others to express themselves.
LOL. That's funny. Hookers are not people. They don't deserve any respect. We all know that.
I can understand the uncertainty. I don't mind woman superheros. I took Elektra up to 3/30, as you can see. She's bad-ass and cool. Guilotine is cool too. She's awesome. Scarlet Witch is alright. Not my favorite, but I have no objection to her. I like Spidergirl's outfit. She's the most useless champion in the game, but at least her costume looks cool. No problem with her. Gamora is great... I wish I had a 4* of her.
But see, they are all wearing appropriate clothing. Knight armor, long witch cloaks, and you know... pants. When going into battle, I think pants are required. OK, so Elektra isn't wearing pants exactly, but she is wearing one of those leotard things, like those jumpy flippy girls in the Olympics. It's athletic wear, and she's a ninja, so it's suitable. Black panties and hooker boots are neither functional nor appropriate for a "superhero" fighting monsters and demons and such. It's just slutty and stupid looking. Girls can be superheros, if they are wearing knight armor, space armor, ninja suits, spider suits, etc. But not little blonde girls in a bra and panties and bondage straps. I mean, seriously. As soon as I get another 4*, I'm selling her. But with that outfit she's wearing, she's used to being sold. Lol!
I don't mind a few girl superheros, but at the end of the day, I AM a grown man, 33 years old, and I downloaded this game to fight in brutal bad-ass battles with Thor, Captain America, Hulk, Black Panther... my favorite characters from the movies I like. I didn't download this game to play with Spank Me Barbie.
Oh Boy, i don't even know where to begin.
Okay here we go,
1) Mephisto's a good option yes, but Mordo NO WAY. His sig basically sucks and not worth a gem AT ALL.
2) Magik is probably the best Mystic character, some even regard her as the best champ in the game. The reason being, she is the best power controller and when you control power in a fight, you control that fight. Her sig's not needed but it's really nice to have. The limbo is good for defense and on offense it can save your ass if you slip up. I know it has saved mine a number of times.
3) A youtuber, used a 5 STAR GENERIC GEM, the one you get from 100% exploring the Labyrinth of legends, the hardest content in the contest to date, on his 5* Magik. Not saying i would do that, but just to give an idea of how top players rate Magik.
4) DON'T SELL 4*s, you hurt your own progression in the long run.
5) No comments on what you wrote about her looks/outfit.
6) No offense but You say you're 33 but still think like a 12-year old.
I don't sell many 4* heros. Actually, the only one I ever sold was Colossus, a few days ago, since I needed 100 shards for a 5*, and I just got tired of waiting. Lol. There are a few champions I just hate, and I don't even want to look at them in my roster, so I sell them whenever I get them, regardless of the stars. Magick is one of those. I kept her this long, only so I would have even teams of three, for arenas. Now I'm one short, after selling Colossus, so I need two more before I can sell her. I haven't got any other 4*s who I really hate yet.
Thanks for the feedback about Mephisto and Mordo. I only mentioned Mephisto, since there's a 1/12 chance I might get him, IF we get the dollar crystal offer, IF facebook gets one million likes. I don't have him yet.
I posted a chart earlier in this thread, with the top heros in each class. I didn't make it; I found it doing research on the internet. It lists Mephisto as being worthy of a class gem. So that's why I thought that. If I don't get him, then my only unawakened 4* magic class hero will be Mordo. I really enjoy playing with him. He has cool moves and abilities. Sure... I would much rather use the awakening gem on The Hood, Scarlet Witch, or Doctor Voodoo... but I don't have any of them. I could hold the gem until I ever MAYBE get one of them... I could be holding it forever... or just use it now on a champion I enjoy.
I don't get 4* star heros very often. I've been playing since around March, and I only have 17 of them. 15 you see in the picture, and two more 1/1, who I didn't bother to level up yet. The odds of me getting Voodoo, Witch, or Hood are pretty slim.
Is Mordo really that bad? I've read other people saying he's good. He seems good to me. And he's ranked pretty high on that chart. What exactly does his signature ability DO?
As a side note, I wonder... why did Mephisto get more votes in the dollar crystal poll, than Doctor Voodoo or Scarlet Witch? Everyone always says they are the best, and they are ranked the best on the chart.
Umm Sorry if it sounded insulting to you, but i was referring to the fact that you were calling out a game character with Superpowers based on her clothing, who actually is one of the most powerful champs in the game.
And well, it's your account. People are just here to guide, if you want to progress faster in the game, you have to rank up useful champions. If you don't know what champs are useful, that's what the community is here for. If you don't care about that and are having fun playing at a lower level and progressing slowly, that's totally up to you. Rank up your favourite champs, after all a game is supposed to be fun to you.
I get 4*s every 2-3 days, and still I don't sell any. Since you said you get them much often, another reason not to sell them. You sold a 4* for 100 5* shards, but if you get him again, it would've been a dupe which would've given you 275 5* shards.
Mordo's alright, he's a good AW defender and that's it. His awakened ability gives additional energy resistance while blocking, which is useless in most cases.
Go on youtube, watch people wrecking content with Magik.
And Mephisto got more votes because he's a newer champ, DV and SW are old now and have been in arenas and crystals for some time so most people have them.
Mordo's signature ability doesn't sound thrilling. I generally don't care for blocking signature abilities, which is why I never considered awakening Captain America WWII, even though he's my favorite hero.
Makes sense about Mephisto. I guess most players already have Voodoo and Witch.
I have to ask... HOW do you get a 4* hero every two or three days?!? That is amazing! I would LOVE to be at that level. Are you getting the arena hero every time? I just don't have time to devote to those, with work and family. I hope there's some other way. I always do the arenas, but I'm not getting millions of points.
Any advice you can give would be appreciated. You see my roster, plus 4* Red Hulk and Nebula down at 1/1, plus 5* Magneto and Spidergwen at 1/1. Spidergirl was my first, and I never bothered to level her. I just got Magneto the other day, when I sold Colossus. Is he worth leveling up at all?
Thank you again for all the information. I really appreciate the time you took to respond.
Any advice on those? Are they good? I have been putting my last few masteries into Limber (reduce stun time) since I hate getting stunned, and that's when I really take a beating, when I'm stunned. However, recently I've been thinking maybe I'll do the Precision, to increase my chances of critical hits. I think (not sure) that most of the guys I use now (Moon Knight, Archangel) rely on critical hits to inflict their bleed or poison or whatever. Would that be helpful?
I've been playing for over two years, took a few months break along the way but anyways that's how i got here. I have like 80+ 4*s and now almost every crystal i get is a dupe. Although I had to grind for most of the top 4*s, because you can't just rely on Random luck in the game. I don't do featured arenas cause that's too much, but basic arenas are a good place to gather 4*s. I don't do them any more because i have no need for any more 4*s now.
You should go for any basic 4* in arena that you don't have. Older basic champs go for very low score like 2-2.5 M so you can get those to expand your roster so that you can get more points and earn the more wanted and top champs.
Even if you don't go for the champs, do at least the milestones in basic arena(1.5M) and get 4* shards from ranked rewards.
Sadly, arena is the best place for a new player to grow, and it requires a lot of grinding. Other than that, join a good alliance, win AWs, weekly SA and 3-day events give 4* shards plus 5*s as well when you get to a higher level.
On ranking heroes, rank every 4* to 3/30 and 5* to 1/25 for now. As you start getting Tier 4 basic cats, rank the useful 4*s to rank 4 level 40 or 5*s to R2. If you're confused, you can ask which to rank up on the forums.
Oh man, you need a complete makeover of your masteries lol. Youtube is a great source to get information. Here are a couple helpful videos :
Hey Superman, I didn't forget about this thread. Sorry I didn't comment in a week, but I wanted to wait until I had some solid results to show. I spent this past week researching and reading about the game, the masteries, the different heros, etc. For the last ten months, I just PLAYED the game. Had no idea how all the nuances worked. This week, I finally READ about the game.
I watched the youtube videos you posted about masteries. Then I watched more, and more. I completely remade all of my masteries. I also took your advice, and leveled up all my 4*s and both my 5*s. I could only get Magik to 2/20, since I ran out of gold and iso-8. I am replenishing my supply of both now. I also got a 4* X23 this week, and put her up to 2/20 also. Yay! I think I might want her at 4/40 before Magik, but don't worry; they will both get there. You helped me a lot. I appreciate it. Thank you. Here are my new masteries:
And here are my top champions, before (top) and after (bottom). Last week, and now...
What do you think? Again, I want to thank you very much. You represent the best of what this community is supposed to be. You helped me A LOT. I really appreciate it. You are indeed a Superman.
Haha jeez, thank you for your kind words.
And hell yeah, you've progressed a lot. Solid mastery setup, good champs.
Yup get that X-23 as high as you can, such a beast. I just got her as a 5* as my reward for completing Labyrinth of Legends first path (alongwith Iron Patriot and a 5* Science gem).
Plus this is a great month fo progression, do all the heroic modok labs as you can. Master might be too much for your champs but give it a try, it's free and doesn't cost energy so, might as well.
Do the upcoming 2* arena as it'll give 10k 5* shards.
Happy grinding
That's what I plan to do. I do every Modok Lab. Every eight hours. I do the Easy, Medium, and Hard, every one. All the extra free stuff helps. And yes, I tried the Expert a few times. Ashamed to say I couldn't get past the first guy. One of them killed my dudes in like three hits each. But like you said: it costs no energy, so I'll keep trying them every day. Maybe I can practice and improve my fighting skills in there.
Congratulations on the 5* X23! Yeah, she's awesome. I love bleeding champions. And when I have her at 4/40, and on my quest team, I might put some points in Recovery to increase her regeneration. Good idea? Right now, I don't use anyone who would benefit from that, aside from Ghost Rider, who only regnerates for a few seconds. I still have more mastery points to come, since I'm only on level 51. Four more when I explore Act 4, and nine more to level 60. Any advice on where to put those 13 points, when I get them down the road?
I will definitely do the 2* arena also. I'm excited for this month. And there's a gold realm coming up, I heard, which will help me rank up my champions. I need gold now. Lol.
Thanks again for the encouragement!
Naah, with your team I get it. Some people even with multiple R5 4*s are having trouble with those.
Take the extra 2 points out of salve, +4 health at max or +1 health at 1 point per tick doesn't really matter much, it's recovery that matters. Max it out. Also take extra points out of petrify in the utility tab. Just one is okay. Maybe max pacify, it helps in fighting magiks.
Get 3 in glass cannon, get Assassin, max Deep Wounds and you're set.
These are advanced masteries btw, so you don't really need them ASAP. Just build your units slowly and unlock them. No need to spend.
Yeah, good thinking.
Hulk is a beast when awakened. Cap doesn't really need his ability, he's good without it.