Nerf of Units in Arena Battle Chips since new update



  • ahmynutsahmynuts Member Posts: 8,226 ★★★★★
    altavista said:

    LIS1 said:

    Why sometimes u think when u buy and open any crystal (Example -: Paragon Crystal) which contains up to 7* champs and 90% of times it stops rolling just 1 before the highest rarity Champ and drop on to the lowest or mid rarity?

    I just tried it to confirm what I have been reading and it is working as most who have been reading the forum knows.
    The reel is just for entertainment purpose.

    Put two phones side by side.
    Have two separate accounts on each phone (have to be in same alliance).
    Have phone (A) set to the alliance feed page.

    Put a crystal on phone (B) and put it on spin.
    In phone (A), the champ which phone (B) will eventually obtained is known (already appears in the alliance feed) before the spin completes.

    This rolling just 1 before the highest rarity Champ and drop on to the lowest or mid rarity is for troll purpose.

    Two additional points on the Reel:
    1. You can open crystals without looking at a reel at all.

    If OP's theory about rigged RNG is true, why would they show a Reel that outs them for cheating? Wouldn't it be better for Kabam to not show a reel and just keep the 'evidence' of RNG cheating not available for players entirely? This would be like if you were given a Big Mac that is missing a patty, but was given the option of (1) not seeing how it was made, or (2) seeing a video of the worker not put a patty in.

    2. The Daily Crystal has extremely low chances of granting you 6-stars (or 7-stars for Valiant). Yet, the Reel is pretty much entirely populated by 6-stars. The reel will roll through a bunch of different 6-stars, before finally settling on .... a T2a that you never saw when the reel was spinning.

    The reel is completely just a visual mechanism that has no relation to the RNG. One could argue that it could more accurately reflect RNG (For example if there is only a 10% chance to pull a 6-star, then only 1/10 of the spots on the reel should be a 6-star), or one could argue that Kabam shouldn't visually troll us (by having the reel slow down on one spot, before rotating over to the next spot), but the argument that Reel is proof of RNG fraud is completely nonsensical.
    OP: "Yeah that was my point the whole time I can't believe you guys didn't understand that @ kabam miike. It's a shame you guys just lie to us like this and the players on here don't understand that"
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