Banquet milestones worth it for TB?

TB, I just got my first 6 * r4. Finished up until 8.2. Probably awhile until I’m paragon or valiant. No 7 stars as of right now. Would it be worth hitting all banquet milestones for 10k units for thronebreaker and lower progression levels. I’ve hear people complaining about the rewards but mostly they were talking about relevancy to paragon and valiant players. Don’t spend money on the game so this would be most of my units I grinder out this year but it’s not like I’m saving for anything else.
So that i can build up the roster to take it to paragon, as i currently don't have R4's.
Investing one-time like this is worthy..
Will spend 3000 at first 2 days.. Then wait and do milestones achievement.. Then on jan 1st will plan buying BCR for remaining units...