Higher rarity quake

When exactly do we get a 6/7 star version of quake. It’s tedium having to use a 5 star version of quake. Is the game planning on doing anything about this anytime soon. With so many counters to her I doubt she causes any problem. I feel the 7 star guardians crystal was a good way to introduce her
Honestly, I want her to get a rework so she can be released as a 6/7*. I know it’ll make people mad, but I like quake and I’d like to see her come out in higher rarities, just not as she is now
TLDR: Quake was kind of like Herc, so no 7* herc, and def more than likely no 6* Quake.
Compounding the problem is that nodes that cut down her effectiveness made too many other champs unviable as well. I remember Elsa players especially being frustrated by the frequency of True Strike everywhere. Quake should never be made available at any higher rarity than she currently is unless she is dramatically reworked.
Long story short, even though her skill ceiling is high, she is the most broken champion in the game.
Situation became so worse that there was a ban wave because Kabam thought there were some unfair methods were used in AW. But later on it was revealed that Quake was being used
Ghost nuked big giants like flies
It better to let quake remain what she is. I don't want any rework for her. Otherwise Kabam will mess up her and make her kind of useless champ in name of rework.
So i don't her see as useless champ. If they never release her as 6 star. Atleast that will be the legacy of the Monster made by Kabam.
Only OG's know that Even Herc can't hold candle to pre Nerf act 6 era of Quake
Her damage is outdated especially for the health pools of nowadays that's all she'd need no play style change