Seeking some advice on a player situation



  • VivavengerVivavenger Member Posts: 75
    edited December 2023
    No, wait for some time let him contribute to your ally banquet event, let him be in the world of lie and when the banquet is near to it's end kick hum right away. Use him and throw him like garbage
  • Ngoalong711Ngoalong711 Member Posts: 329 ★★

    No, wait for some time let him contribute to your ally banquet event, let him be in the world of lie and when the banquet is near to it's end kick hum right away. Use him and throw him like garbage

    this come to my mind at first but then i think kick him right away is better. because the ally milestone is easy to get and the rank reward is not that good. so if you kick him now. he won't get any ally rewards.
  • WhoDaPooWhoDaPoo Member Posts: 364 ★★★
    Morality isn't about being a pushover either. Sometimes tough love is needed. Respect gets respect (and alliance rewards).
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