Competitive Alliance War

CopperTopCopperTop Member Posts: 15
I have a prediction that competitive AW will die if potion cost is not tweaked.

Let me be clear, I love that the new death count per war norm at high tier war has increased.
It's makes it much more enjoyable then the prior near perfect 0-3 death clears being required.
However, the cost of potions is ridiculous at the current state when combined with other costs of high tier war.

I'm curious y'all opinions on this with emphasis that everything can't be free, but what is the most desired aspect to change while still providing a game mode which Kabam can make money from?

1. Health Pools

Attacker health pools roughly range from 75k health [6r5 Mole w/ 15% red and 20% green] to 134k health [7r3 Titania w/ 20% red and 30%green]. (I get this changes, but I'm just referring to my recent war videos).
Dying results in 4 to 8 lv4 potions to heal (40% revive + x pcs of 9.5k potions) which is 80k to 160k loyalty.
And this does not include potion top offs for the other 4 fights on average expected to clear the map.

2. Business Perspective

I understand this is a free game and there has to be a business side to make money. Although I don't have visibility on the numbers in terms of what games modes are most profitable for Kabam (which would be super interesting), but I imagine AW is doing well because war is expensive for me personally:
* Cost of mastery swaps in the form of units (defense & attack). #implementdefensemasteryloadout:)
* Cost of stat boosts (green/orange/red) in the form of units (I spend 2k every 3 months picking up EQ completion offer for 30% green and I believe this is somewhat common at higher tier war)
* Cost of special boost (special/power back) in the form of loyalty (very common to use a pair at least once per war).
* Cost of special boost (gray) in the form of loyalty (uncommon to buy with units if strategic with storage capacities)
* Cost of potions (touched on above)
Compare it to battlegrounds where the main edge you can buy is (1) roster (largest impact) and (2) deck shuffles (small impact). AW is very expensive comparatively. And I also acknowledge high tier AW affects a smallish group of people, but I can't help think that if potion cost significantly decreased, then the number of players who participate in competition will increase which may lead to further drive of buying an edge in the other areas listed above.

Solution Spit Balling

* Change lv4 (9500hp) potions from 9500hp to % of health --- Mitigates impact of using higher rarity champs and the decision to heal while under a green/red boosts
* Reduce cost of lv4 potions -- Obvious benefit, but the main focus here is to shift the cost focus for the game mode from both [healing+boosting] to [boosting] in order to stay competitive.

Full disclosure, I'm biased in that I hate the current loyalty structure in that you have to choose to either be competitive in war or pursue the loyalty 7* crystal, but I feel I kept that bias out of the above perspective.


  • ValmezValmez Member Posts: 77
    Great post , I hope the people that can make changes take notice of this.
  • FunnyDudeFunnyDude Member Posts: 593 ★★★★
    They can keep the loyalty price, but we need Lv6 potion with the same price in loyalty store, otherwise the war is unaffordable.

    One death (or even worse, almost dead with <10% health) can cost 3-5 Lv6 potions, which is 240-400 units. If you turn it into $ price , it is 8-12 dolors, this is insane with the current "slightly difficult" tactics.

    I know the change is underway, but before the consumable change is online, pushing out such tactics in holidays is a very bad idea, Kabam did have time to avoid this situation but they didn't listen, this is why the community is so angry.
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