Anyone else not receiving alliance war season rewards?

Tman865Tman865 Member Posts: 10
So the past few alliance war seasons starting from 42 to now i have not received a single season reward. Ive sent out a few requests to support, the first time they told me i didn't participate in the minimum required 5 wars per season to get the season placement rewards for season 42 i believe and i wasn't personally sure if i did that season so i understood that. But ever since then the past 3 seasons ive received nothing but my whole alliance has. And i made sure for every season after 42 that i tallied up every war i participated in and for the past 3 seasons ive been in every single war every time because i've been saving up for my loyalty 7* so i know for a fact how much ive participated. I sent out another request recently after the end of season 45 and they told me that i had received my season placement rewards but i in fact did not because i would've known if i got those rewards because i would've opened them and I didn't get to open them and the notification never showed up in my mail each time. My alliance placement has been around gold 3 and since the update to alliance war its been gold 5. Its quite frustrating to be told i'm wrong when i know for a fact i haven't gotten them and my whole alliance is still getting them as well. At this point i am unsure what to do so i came here hoping others may have the same issue and can resolve this. And just to be clear im not making this post out of anger or to be rude I just wanted to make this issue known because it seems that I am kinda being swept under the rug and I feel its not fair.


  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,691 Guardian
    edited December 2023
    After a season ends (plus the time it takes to send out rewards), then have you looked at the AW Rankings screens and seen if it shows your Alliance's rank ?

    (and assuming, you’ve stayed in same alliance until rewards have been sent and received, and are not counting wars during off-seasons, etc.)

    Also, maybe family/friends who play on your phone (ahem.. account sharing), or other alliance members who share logins for “piloting”, etc, have gone into game on your account and claimed the mail, etc.
    So next time you went in, they weren’t there anymore, and you thought you never got them.
  • Tman865Tman865 Member Posts: 10
    Ive never account shared once in the entire 9 years ive been playing, never thought about it, never wanted to, never will. Ive been in this same alliance for the past 3 seasons and yes I can confirm that it showed the rank that we got for all those seasons and like I said before it was gold 3 somewhere in between rank 125 to 140 and when alliance war updated recently its been gold 5 in between the same rank area 125 to 140. It is impossible that this due to account sharing because I don't do that and as for ranking it would make no sense that its due to that either because no matter what tier your in you're still going to be ranked overall and should get some sort of season placement reward.

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