Help! Returning to the game after 3 years. Totally confused

Hi together. It's been some time I opened that game. I am totally confused about the current meta etc. Every tip on who to rank up is welcome.
Focussing on story

Focussing on story

But really galan? I have him awakend 5/65 and it will take a while until I have a cosmic t5 to put him higher than 6/35
You're coming back after a three year hiatus. A lot of the game is different, and there are completely new parts to the game. Game rewards are different, roster requirements are different. I would recommend start playing again and get some experience with the game first. Figure out where your strengths and weaknesses are, and see how far you can get with what you have. Before you run into a wall, you may end up with better champs to rank up, or at least higher rarity versions of those champs.
If you're focusing on story, I assume with that roster you were probably working your way through Act 6. Figure out what paths you need help with, and concentrate rank ups to get through those paths. This is important not just for Act 6, but also because that's basically going to be the strategy moving forward. Act 7, 8 and probably all future Acts beyond them have node/defender combinations intended to test both player skill and roster breadth. A lot of content has stuff that makes it hard, but has a specific set of champions that make it either easier or completely cheese-worthy.
Some champs have near universal utility - Hercules, Archangel, etc, but most are situationally strong. Which ones will help you the most depend on which situations you're currently in.
I agree with the thought to rank up nobody to try to know what's needed again.
@Jack2634 KP over nf?
What would be my teams look like for aq, aw, normal story quest?
No clue about relics and battleground but this is something that will come over time I guess.
I feel that nimrod will just be my answer to every mutant in the game which is just amazing to have.
So even without hood you would play kp, good to know.
Shooting stars is I guess for throne breaker cause so far it's not showing in my quest.
I'd rank that kingpin. He has much utility, and that's something you'll need in story questing. Then nimrod. Markus vision will be great for the sentinel boss in chapter 6 if you haven't already done that.
Sentinel is done so maybe no need for the vision.
Diablo 7* putting in tons of work.
Should I upgrade juggs for the final phase?
Pushing story so far. On 7.2.1