Kabam please check this

Thia guy for the past three days have been promoting completion agaisnt all content it did uset to say everything u see but with (safe secure plus no ban) he has since remove that part something isnt right here and this need to be looked
Also disable global chat. Nothing good comes from having it enabled.
If you're going to continue playing...
1) Turn off global chat. It'll take away stress from you worrying about everyone else. If a merc is advertising in global, there's a good shot he'll get banned along with any customers. If you're no planning on using his service then relax and let him dig his own grave.
2) Play under the matra "It is what it is". The game is going to have bugs and issues and they are going to frustrate you. If you're going to keep playing, learn to cope. It's just a game... not life and death.
3) You are going to have grievances. Not EVERY SINGLE ONE needs to be brought to the forums. If you expectation is that Kabam rips apart its game and rebuilds from the ground up just to appease you, you're going to endure more disappoint.
4) Sentences and punctuation. Those are those little dots and marks that aren't words that you'll find scattered throughout this post. They help anyone reading your posts to read and understand them more easily.
5) If you're going to post that you're no longer going to post, keep your word. Don't come back and post a dozen more time within a day of saying you're done posting.
Where exactly is anyone saying they want modders and cheats in the game? Why do you feel the majority do want that? Is it because we're not all shouting "You tell them @Charliejiggens! You're the voice that we need in the battle against cheaters!"? You don't like modders... great. Me neither. But what do you want any of us to do when you continually complain?
As for not caring about sentence structure or punctuation, that's probably why you don't get more support for your rants *ahem* posts. It's always a gigantic word salad that is difficult to read and follow. It makes you come off as sophomoric and frankly not too credible. You hate modders and cheats but you hate BG matchmaking and hate AW and a lot of MCOC stuff is B.S. in your words.
I honestly have trouble understanding how you get any enjoyment from playing this game.
Also what exactly have you pointed out? How about answering questions that are asked regarding your complaints you post?
If you think someone is modding or cheating, then report them in game or send something to support with attached evidence. The only thing you've said correctly throughout all this is about this thread being pointless. Scroll back to the top and see who started it. That's why it's pointless.
What's your endgame here Mr. Jiggens? What are you hoping to get out of this? Oh right... you don't respond to questions.
I think you're trying to say that you point out people who cheat and mod here on the forum and I praise those people. Question for you to answer... can you show any post I've made where I've praised a cheater or modder? Two more questions for you to answer... 1) Why do you continually call them out on the forum, which I believe is a T.O.S. violation instead of reporting them in game or going to Kabam support? and 2) What do you feel is going to result from you calling these folks out on the forums?
Global is a sewer, get out of there for your own mental health.
Talking about cheaters on the forum does nothing. It's not their job.
Just report in-game and contact support. That's it.
We've been telling the same thing over and over to you and others who made post about cheaters in the past.
It has nothing to do with the fact want cheaters or not in the game, we don't want them. It's just it's useless to make post about it on the forum. Go to support.
Thank you