The Current State of the Game Rant/Discussion

Is anyone else getting incredibly frustrated at the state of the game at the moment. BGs has felt almost unplayable for me for the past 2-3 seasons due to the AI to the point where you could spend an entire fight trying to bait a single special without the ai doing it and that is happening far to often, and with war this meta is very frustrating especially considering that this node is on what are already some of the best defenders in the game pair that with the current state of the AI and the incredibly overpriced war resources that do very little for high rank champions it feels like all the fun as been stripped from these to modes and with the lacklustre side quests the past couple months it feels like there isn’t much fun or rewarding content in the game at the moment. Not to mention the massive ISO shortage at the moment which is making it very difficult to rank up champions all this is resulting in a very frustrating and unenjoyable experience playing this game at the moment. it’s a real shame because for the most part 2023 was a great year for the game. I really hope these problems can be addressed/fixed and would love to know if it’s just me experiencing them


  • GladsGlads Member Posts: 431 ★★★
    Look I think your comments are valid, let's look at side quests rewards this month I actually used a revive for, 3 iso 50 5 stard relic shards, 50 6 star relic shards OMG that's 0.5% of a relic and 1k 6 star shards that's useless.
    War expensive is on point 20k loyalty for 9k health, which is exacerbated by this silly very difficult meta.
    AI and inputs have been ongoing for almost years, I guess this is working as intended
  • CaptainaidenCaptainaiden Member Posts: 1,158 ★★★★
  • ahmynutsahmynuts Member Posts: 8,173 ★★★★★

  • Vegeta9001Vegeta9001 Member Posts: 1,711 ★★★★★
    I actually agree with the AI being very bad lately, but none of the rest. I'm also tired of the AI posts since obviously it's been posted about tens to hundreds of times and we've gotten nothing on it yet, but people keep posti g about it anyway.

    I just spent nearly an entire 5 minute war fight against a bipolar schizophrenic America Chavez that spent half the time in the corner blocking, the other half spamming heavy attacks into thin air fighting her demons. But if I made a post everytime the AI tilted me it'd be my full time job.
  • Shamir51Shamir51 Member Posts: 1,159 ★★★★

    Is anyone else getting incredibly frustrated at the state of the game at the moment. BGs has felt almost unplayable for me for the past 2-3 seasons due to the AI to the point where you could spend an entire fight trying to bait a single special without the ai doing it and that is happening far to often, and with war this meta is very frustrating especially considering that this node is on what are already some of the best defenders in the game pair that with the current state of the AI and the incredibly overpriced war resources that do very little for high rank champions it feels like all the fun as been stripped from these to modes and with the lacklustre side quests the past couple months it feels like there isn’t much fun or rewarding content in the game at the moment. Not to mention the massive ISO shortage at the moment which is making it very difficult to rank up champions all this is resulting in a very frustrating and unenjoyable experience playing this game at the moment. it’s a real shame because for the most part 2023 was a great year for the game. I really hope these problems can be addressed/fixed and would love to know if it’s just me experiencing them

    I might have read it all had you used some punctuation.
  • Rohit_316Rohit_316 Member Posts: 3,417 ★★★★★
    Also i am noticing dex issues while swiping back in BGs ..has anyone else experienced it ?
  • ThecurlerThecurler Member Posts: 880 ★★★★
    Main issues for me, in no particular order…
    Ai (Bg seems particularly bad)
    War tactic
    Potion economy (especially aw)
    Side quest

    I appreciate it’s a difficult balance to strike but some of the nodes/meta’s that have been introduced lately are annoying to deal with.
    Increased difficulty is fine if it’s challenging and fun to play.
    Increased difficulty because you’re guaranteed to eat an sp3 with the “bad ai” (last season Bg meta) or play well but still lose a ton of health because of chip damage (this season aw) is not a fun experience.
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