Aegon-less Necro Post

Hello all! I’ve seen a lot of Ægon necropolis posts as of late and so I thought I’d throw in my hat, but with Kate and Wong with hopes that those like myself without Ægon will find it helpful! I'm taking my time to do it (although will be done in the next 8 days) because of irl stuff, but will update the post as I tick of different opponents. Video-wise Normax has a great video on doing an entire path with Wong and Vega has a great non-Aegon Necro playlist which has some cool and unique takedowns!
Notes before we begin:
- I’d consider myself not an amazing player, but probably above average considering the entire player base.
- Team:
• 6* r4 ascended Kate Bishop
• 6* r4 Wong
• 7* America Chavez (for synergy with Kate)
• 7* Wiccan (for final GM phase, also has the benefit of a nice synergy with Wong)
• 6* Heimdal
- Path will be the very original Titania -> Apoc and onwards!
- I farmed a few revs but got lazy, had 8k units in stash and I will list when I started using them.
- Titania: This fight did my nut in. I used Kate, built up 1-2 tranquilises (2 is enough to stop Titania applying debuffs to you but 1 can be nice as you get a couple of weaknesses but heal using willpower. Up to you!), 3 dissolver and 3 cold snaps which deal the majority of your damage. A few tips that people often forget with Kate- when you get a perfect release she gains dialled in passives (3-5 depending on sig) which increase your debuffs potency by quite a large margin! So build those up ASAP! Along with her heavy refreshing her debuffs, you also have a 5s pause if you punish the oppos heavy/special and a small pause on hitting their block if she’s awakened. Kate died with 6% remaining, Chavez finished her off with full health.
- Arkus: Honestly, as with, to be fair, a lot of fights, if the AI behaves itself you won’t have too bad a time. Took me 7 or 8 revives with Wong, problem is an SP3 will one shot you! Start with the regen spell as Wong will regen most of the
damage from coldsnap and Arkus’ specials. With 3 regen spells (and I have 3/3 recovery) I regened 90% of Arkus’ energy damage.
- Omega Sentinel: Not too bad a fight. Just be really wary of the 5 armour up auto-blocks. This will be a pain at the start of the fight but once you have Wong ramped you’ll just be using heavies and specials most of the time so it’s not something to worry about. Took me 4 or 5 revs, mainly because with a r4 Wong the timer runs down quickly haha! (Although to be honest again you regen a lot of the damage she deals to you so even when she goes unblockable just try not to let her get to a SP3)
- Air Walker: He’s a pain in the arse. BUT. If you have patience, and a decently ranked America Chavez, he’s a cake walk. I think you need to sacrifice 2 champs to him so he gets 3 persistent charges for more power gain, and then heavy spam with Chavez against the wall. His power will keep getting drained and there’s nothing he can do about it! I tried a few times with Wong and Kate (both can solo) but got destroyed so I went with Chavez. With a 7*r1 (minimally boosted though) it took me about 25minutes- which was painful. But saved me a few revives! (I did mess up a few times because I was watching videos at the same time haha)

- Captain Britain: Honestly I did worse here than I thought I would! The reverse controls tripped me up a few times when I was using Wong- but if you're a decent reverse control player you shouldn't have a problem. In the end I basically used the same strategy as I did with Titania- Kate, 2 tranqs, 3 dissolve, 3 coldsnap. But once you have the tranquilises on her you no longer need to worry about the reverse controls so it becomes a very simple fight! I think it took me 3 or 4 revives.
- Wiccan: Not much fun, the SP1 will screw you over! He regen's all the energy damage you've done, so it becomes a game of making sure you bait out his SP2 and *never* let him throw the SP1. I think he regened for 62k a tic at one point which hurt quite a bit! But as long as you're pushing him to his SP2 it's a simple fight.

Notes before we begin:
- I’d consider myself not an amazing player, but probably above average considering the entire player base.
- Team:
• 6* r4 ascended Kate Bishop
• 6* r4 Wong
• 7* America Chavez (for synergy with Kate)
• 7* Wiccan (for final GM phase, also has the benefit of a nice synergy with Wong)
• 6* Heimdal
- Path will be the very original Titania -> Apoc and onwards!
- I farmed a few revs but got lazy, had 8k units in stash and I will list when I started using them.
- Titania: This fight did my nut in. I used Kate, built up 1-2 tranquilises (2 is enough to stop Titania applying debuffs to you but 1 can be nice as you get a couple of weaknesses but heal using willpower. Up to you!), 3 dissolver and 3 cold snaps which deal the majority of your damage. A few tips that people often forget with Kate- when you get a perfect release she gains dialled in passives (3-5 depending on sig) which increase your debuffs potency by quite a large margin! So build those up ASAP! Along with her heavy refreshing her debuffs, you also have a 5s pause if you punish the oppos heavy/special and a small pause on hitting their block if she’s awakened. Kate died with 6% remaining, Chavez finished her off with full health.
- Arkus: Honestly, as with, to be fair, a lot of fights, if the AI behaves itself you won’t have too bad a time. Took me 7 or 8 revives with Wong, problem is an SP3 will one shot you! Start with the regen spell as Wong will regen most of the
damage from coldsnap and Arkus’ specials. With 3 regen spells (and I have 3/3 recovery) I regened 90% of Arkus’ energy damage.
- Omega Sentinel: Not too bad a fight. Just be really wary of the 5 armour up auto-blocks. This will be a pain at the start of the fight but once you have Wong ramped you’ll just be using heavies and specials most of the time so it’s not something to worry about. Took me 4 or 5 revs, mainly because with a r4 Wong the timer runs down quickly haha! (Although to be honest again you regen a lot of the damage she deals to you so even when she goes unblockable just try not to let her get to a SP3)
- Air Walker: He’s a pain in the arse. BUT. If you have patience, and a decently ranked America Chavez, he’s a cake walk. I think you need to sacrifice 2 champs to him so he gets 3 persistent charges for more power gain, and then heavy spam with Chavez against the wall. His power will keep getting drained and there’s nothing he can do about it! I tried a few times with Wong and Kate (both can solo) but got destroyed so I went with Chavez. With a 7*r1 (minimally boosted though) it took me about 25minutes- which was painful. But saved me a few revives! (I did mess up a few times because I was watching videos at the same time haha)

- Captain Britain: Honestly I did worse here than I thought I would! The reverse controls tripped me up a few times when I was using Wong- but if you're a decent reverse control player you shouldn't have a problem. In the end I basically used the same strategy as I did with Titania- Kate, 2 tranqs, 3 dissolve, 3 coldsnap. But once you have the tranquilises on her you no longer need to worry about the reverse controls so it becomes a very simple fight! I think it took me 3 or 4 revives.
- Wiccan: Not much fun, the SP1 will screw you over! He regen's all the energy damage you've done, so it becomes a game of making sure you bait out his SP2 and *never* let him throw the SP1. I think he regened for 62k a tic at one point which hurt quite a bit! But as long as you're pushing him to his SP2 it's a simple fight.
Oh brilliant that’s really useful tip! Thank you!
My first run was with r4 not ascended kate and I did 95 percent before I completely ran out of charges but still won really comfortably