Necro Aarkus pains

Dear community.
As an Aegon-less player (only have the 5 star), Absman-less (5 star only) and Chavez-less (5 star only) player too, I have to do the first clear with my KB 6 star R5 sig200 ascended and just support champs.
On the "easy" path there are quite a few that KB can do, but some are just too much.
The first pain point is Aarkus and the main reason I am not diving fully and spending revives. I have limited options, and when I saw a YT vid of someone using an R4 low Sig Juggz I thought I could do some damage, but it seems he just had incredible RNG with the random stagger for the power gains, whereas I had no such RNG. I was pondering using my 7 star Dragonman for the additional Degen damage, but I can't see anyone trying the same and know that I would barely do enough damage per run before my revive stash would deplete fully. It would also take away either my 7 star Adam that is reserved for the OS and Guardian, my 6* R3 Shuri that is reserved for Captain Britain, or my 5* R1 Chavez that I include for the KB sinergy only.
What are my prospects? Any hidden gem there that I may have on my roster? I do have a 6 star Wong R1 but can't get him ranked up in time before the revives expire. My 5 star R5 ascended Doom is reported to be too slow to be of any use, so I don't see any other options since you cannot avoid the coldsnap damage so you need a mystic that can regen. Is Symbiote Supreme an option, since I have her as R3 6 star? My guess is no, since her regen is not that great in those circumstances.
As an Aegon-less player (only have the 5 star), Absman-less (5 star only) and Chavez-less (5 star only) player too, I have to do the first clear with my KB 6 star R5 sig200 ascended and just support champs.
On the "easy" path there are quite a few that KB can do, but some are just too much.
The first pain point is Aarkus and the main reason I am not diving fully and spending revives. I have limited options, and when I saw a YT vid of someone using an R4 low Sig Juggz I thought I could do some damage, but it seems he just had incredible RNG with the random stagger for the power gains, whereas I had no such RNG. I was pondering using my 7 star Dragonman for the additional Degen damage, but I can't see anyone trying the same and know that I would barely do enough damage per run before my revive stash would deplete fully. It would also take away either my 7 star Adam that is reserved for the OS and Guardian, my 6* R3 Shuri that is reserved for Captain Britain, or my 5* R1 Chavez that I include for the KB sinergy only.
What are my prospects? Any hidden gem there that I may have on my roster? I do have a 6 star Wong R1 but can't get him ranked up in time before the revives expire. My 5 star R5 ascended Doom is reported to be too slow to be of any use, so I don't see any other options since you cannot avoid the coldsnap damage so you need a mystic that can regen. Is Symbiote Supreme an option, since I have her as R3 6 star? My guess is no, since her regen is not that great in those circumstances.
Just start with coldsnap passives, and try to maintain distance (4 hit combos and dash back, so you won't get armor break on you). Spam sp1.
I did him in like 4 revives with kate.
Also kate is better counter for omega sentinel (easily soloable or with one revive), compared to adam.
You should be at a safe distance from his coldsnap/armor break for most of the fight. It might take you a bunch of attempts to get the rhythm right, but once you have it, the fight can be reasonably done in < 3 revives.
For Nova it's kinda the same, except you don't have to worry about coldsnap or tenacity.
A few notes when using Kate:
1. She's tankier than she looks, don't hesitate to just block sometimes.
2. Try to "bank" your riposte stuns to use them at strategic times for getting the increased knockback on heavy, do an MLLL combo then dash back and riposte them on the dash in.
3. Ditto for your striker, leverage it to create openings for a heavy into corner (you won't be able to do the extended hit though)
4. If she's duped, hitting into block extends trick arrow effects, you can use that to your advantage when trying to bait them in for a riposte.
I have a video of the last 1/3 of a nova fight with KB I can try to share.
I brought both Aegon and Kate to my Necro run and Kate was really the MVP for like 90% of it. In hindsight I just wastes a bunch of revives ramping Aegon for the GM (who I brute-forced with revives anyway)
Aarkus I had to brute force with KB.
OS was an absolute joke with Adam and I only had to use revives because I made some mistakes.
AirWalker was an absolute pain. 11 revives with KB and he had the 3 charges. Most deaths were to SP3 because he would not throw the special despite being cornered, or parties would miss and he gained the Galactus buff and just sat there unstoppable waiting for the SP3 to be reached.
Cpt Britain was a looooong Shuri fight. Really felt the R3 Shuri being too low a rank.
Wiccan was not doable with Shuri for me. Despite having max despair, he would still regen like crazy despite having 20 plus debufs. Ended up using KB. Slipped a few times, but in the end with all debufs stacked and 5 dialled in passives, I realized that just forcing him to dash forward and back his health was going down by 1% per dash.
PsychoMan was a Shuri fight. Very long again. Most deaths were to block damage because he would not throw specials and ended up doing SP2s instead. The chip damage was too much.
If I spent 44 so far, the second section will be brutal. Nova alone is probably going to cost me 30 revives.
Because I am now stuck on this quest and can't do other content to stock up on anything, I fear I will have to buy units later on after spending my 5k stash.
At least I will be doing my part to the Road to the Crypt counter, I guess.
Just wanted to update you on achieving completion of Necropolis before the cut off date.
102 revives used with this team, on the easy path:
R1 5* America Chaves for KB synergy
R5 ascended 6 sig200 6* KB
R3 6* Shuri
R1 Adam
R4 6* Juggs
A lot of mistakes, but managed to keep the unit spent down to about 700 units. The value for money for those units is insane, when compared to the 11kI spent on banquet for dud crystals.
Pain points were indeed Aarkus because of having no good counter, Air Walker because I messed up early on and had to clear him with 3 charges on him, Wiccan because even with max despair the Shuri debufs don't seem to do anything against his regen, Dragonman because he does not want to throw specials even when cornered and crushed, Nova because there is a reason he is the only champ in Necro undupped, and GM because of the RNG of prompts and bans (Phase 1 I would often get parry banned but not knockdown, despite using the parry heavy technique, which meant an instant death since you have no power for SPs to knock him down without parry).
Highlights were definitely the sheer scale of damage from KB. It's absurdly high and satisfying. Also a strong shout out to Adam since even undupped and R1 as a 7 star he was enjoyable to use on many fights. And a loving word for my dear Juggz, who seems to always be my MVP for main quest bosses.
Now it's time to wait for the Road to Crypt rewards and work towards the last deathless Guilly piece and the KG piece too because my G99 and mercenaries are way too low a rank to get them. The Guilly piece has no deadline, but the KG piece is until the quest ends only, like the Battlegrounds piece for Guilly.