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8.4 rewards prediction?

So any idea when will 8.4 will be released and what are gonna be rewards for 8.4 and act 8 completion/exploration?


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    Silentkiller59Silentkiller59 Posts: 22

    So I'm assuming that they would like to Keep the Rewards of Necropolis The Best in the game even when 8.4 releases. This is what they did when The Abyss came out. Act 6.4 released, however 6.4 rewards were miniscule to the Abyss Rewards. I don't think they will repeat exactly what happened there but They will still follow similarly.

    What SHOULD be Present at a minimum for Both 8.4 and Act 8 Completion and Exploration

    • 1 7* Rank Up Gem Crystal 2-3
    • 3 Generic 7* Rank Up Gems 1-2
    • 2 Generic 6* Rank Up Gem 4-5
    • 3 7* Hero Crystals
    • 400 Tier 2 Primordial Dust
    • 15,000-20,000 7* Titan Crystal Shards
    • 1 6* Relic
    • Lots of Tier 6 Class Catalyst Fragments and Selectors (Enough For 9 Catalysts?)
    • Maybe some (
    I feel like most of these have to be present across the Remaining Act 8 Rewards to at least feel like not a Disappointment. Necropolis has more SPICY rewards but Act 8 Should have more rewards just not as many of the SPICY rewards. There should be more than What I stated Obviously, but they can't go too crazy with the rewards especially with the shortened Paths.

    If they give any less than this, than Act 8 will feel like a disappointment.
    (My Idea is probably already Meh, I'm just trying to at least think like what Kabam may do by making the rewards less than Necro)
    Well, it won't make any sense if act 8 rewards will be less than necro in any ways...

    Let's talk about the rewards of 8.1, 8.2 and 8.3, so logically 8.4 rewards must be better than 8.3, which makes it obvious to see a 7* R3 and almost 200 t2 dust to in 8.4 exploration, and following the same, act 8 rewards must be better than 8.4 rewards, now this is where at all gets spicy, cause if they followed this, act 8 rewards would be far better than necropolis, but if they didn't, it will be the biggest disappointment along the players and kabam might face a lots of criticism,

    What's your thoughts guys...?
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    EdisonLawEdisonLaw Posts: 2,954 ★★★★
    Probably a 7 star 2-3 gem, hopefully an awakening gem, titan shards, etc.
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    Silentkiller59Silentkiller59 Posts: 22
    EdisonLaw said:

    Probably a 7 star 2-3 gem, hopefully an awakening gem, titan shards, etc.

    A 7*r3 gem crystal in 8.4 exploration and 7*r3 gem in act 8 exploration is what I expect
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    Real_Madrid_76_2Real_Madrid_76_2 Posts: 3,432 ★★★★★
    I guess I am hoping way too much, but I want 8.4 exploration rewards to give us a class gem for r2 to r3 7 star rankup.
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    DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Posts: 21,451 ★★★★★
    edited January 10

    So I'm assuming that they would like to Keep the Rewards of Necropolis The Best in the game even when 8.4 releases. This is what they did when The Abyss came out. Act 6.4 released, however 6.4 rewards were miniscule to the Abyss Rewards. I don't think they will repeat exactly what happened there but They will still follow similarly.

    What SHOULD be Present at a minimum for Both 8.4 and Act 8 Completion and Exploration

    • 1 7* Rank Up Gem Crystal 2-3
    • 3 Generic 7* Rank Up Gems 1-2
    • 2 Generic 6* Rank Up Gem 4-5
    • 3 7* Hero Crystals
    • 400 Tier 2 Primordial Dust
    • 15,000-20,000 7* Titan Crystal Shards
    • 1 6* Relic
    • Lots of Tier 6 Class Catalyst Fragments and Selectors (Enough For 9 Catalysts?)
    • Maybe some (
    I feel like most of these have to be present across the Remaining Act 8 Rewards to at least feel like not a Disappointment. Necropolis has more SPICY rewards but Act 8 Should have more rewards just not as many of the SPICY rewards. There should be more than What I stated Obviously, but they can't go too crazy with the rewards especially with the shortened Paths.

    If they give any less than this, than Act 8 will feel like a disappointment.
    (My Idea is probably already Meh, I'm just trying to at least think like what Kabam may do by making the rewards less than Necro)
    You're going to be disappointed. Act 8 is already a disappointment. 8.3.6 boss felt like there was zero thought out into the fight.

    But at least people won't complain about needing to farm revives.
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    Loki_Poki1280Loki_Poki1280 Posts: 477 ★★★
    @Demonzfyre Expecting to be disappointed ;)
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    BuggyDClownBuggyDClown Posts: 2,232 ★★★★★
    Early June
    Rewards: well
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    Loki_Poki1280Loki_Poki1280 Posts: 477 ★★★

    I also expect a 7* R3 Gem only on Act 8 exploration (not 8.4)…

    I hate that I have yet to explore 8.1 and 8.2… So many paths!!! (And man, I hate that 8.2 Bahamet even more!!!!!!)

    Maybe ue account grew since the last time you faced him. 💪
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    G-Hun-GearG-Hun-Gear Posts: 1,447 ★★★★
    edited January 11

    I also expect a 7* R3 Gem only on Act 8 exploration (not 8.4)…

    I hate that I have yet to explore 8.1 and 8.2… So many paths!!! (And man, I hate that 8.2 Bahamet even more!!!!!!)

    Maybe ue account grew since the last time you faced him. 💪
    Haha, thanks for the encouragement! But I just hate the mechanics of the fight… So much to keep track of! The worst part is the unstoppable on blocked hits…

    Just recently fought him again for the Guillotine Challenge and it was awful…

    It should be much better with my R4 Mole Man (who was R3 when I initially did 8.2), but still…
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    DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Posts: 21,451 ★★★★★

    I also expect a 7* R3 Gem only on Act 8 exploration (not 8.4)…

    I hate that I have yet to explore 8.1 and 8.2… So many paths!!! (And man, I hate that 8.2 Bahamet even more!!!!!!)

    Maybe ue account grew since the last time you faced him. 💪
    Haha, thanks for the encouragement! But I just hate the mechanics of the fight… So much to keep track of! The worst part is the unstoppable on blocked hits…

    Just recently fought him again for the Guillotine Challenge and it was awful…

    It should be much better with my R4 Mole Man (who was R3 when I initially did 8.2), but still…
    I did the majority of my fights with Rhulk.
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    DamageFactionDamageFaction Posts: 92

    EdisonLaw said:

    Probably a 7 star 2-3 gem, hopefully an awakening gem, titan shards, etc.

    A 7*r3 gem crystal in 8.4 exploration and 7*r3 gem in act 8 exploration is what I expect
    Extremely too much to ask
    Kabam already said there's only one r3 material from 8.4
    Yeah that’s what I was expecting. They will give out 1 r3 7* from act 8 but if you want the Valiant title you will have to do at least 1 run of the Necropolis. Or grab your wallet when the special offers come back!!
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    jcphillips7jcphillips7 Posts: 1,208 ★★★★
    edited January 11
    I would like to see a formed Titan Crystal somewhere in the Act 8 exploration rewards along with the 2-3 gem, and if not a fully formed one, at least a hefty chunk of shards (10-12.5k) and 1 or 2 class 7* crystals.
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    G-Hun-GearG-Hun-Gear Posts: 1,447 ★★★★

    I also expect a 7* R3 Gem only on Act 8 exploration (not 8.4)…

    I hate that I have yet to explore 8.1 and 8.2… So many paths!!! (And man, I hate that 8.2 Bahamet even more!!!!!!)

    Maybe ue account grew since the last time you faced him. 💪
    Haha, thanks for the encouragement! But I just hate the mechanics of the fight… So much to keep track of! The worst part is the unstoppable on blocked hits…

    Just recently fought him again for the Guillotine Challenge and it was awful…

    It should be much better with my R4 Mole Man (who was R3 when I initially did 8.2), but still…
    I did the majority of my fights with Rhulk.
    Good point… But my Rulk is R3, my Mole Man is R4… Maybe I take both with me and see who performs better…
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    PikoluPikolu Posts: 7,013 Guardian

    I also expect a 7* R3 Gem only on Act 8 exploration (not 8.4)…

    I hate that I have yet to explore 8.1 and 8.2… So many paths!!! (And man, I hate that 8.2 Bahamet even more!!!!!!)

    Do you have an attuma ranked? Attuma crushes basically every path, especially with the manthing synergy (or whichever one gives hydration after a parry) because each hydration you convert to a concussion via heavy counts as a purify. Once bahamet is wounded, you just sp3 for mega stack of bleed damage and you can get through phases 1-3 in just a sp3. He is kinda nuts for that fight.
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    FrostGiantLordFrostGiantLord Posts: 1,817 ★★★★
    Probably gonna have a Deathless King Groot piece for completion and another one for exploration. For the actual rewards, probably gonna be disappointing
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    DevsAreHappyDevsAreHappy Posts: 9
    one 7R3 rank-up crystal, 1.x T4A.
    7-star and Titan shards.
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    KDoggg2017KDoggg2017 Posts: 1,218 ★★★★
    Satisfaction in ur heart. That's the true reward. 😂
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