For all

Here’s an idea for all you whinny people out there ! Stop complaining every chance you get and stop bashing Kabam all the time ! I’m not on their side, this game is frustrating but all I see in forums and yt is players complaining about this about that ! If you don’t like the game just leave or strap on a pair and get on with it. At the end of the day it’s a GAME and yes we spend money on it but don’t expect it to perfect, what is perfect in this life ? Just enjoy and be happy
Post edited by Kabam Jax on
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On another note, everyone play nice with each other.
While I would love there to be zero complaints and everyone to love the game and each other, as long as disagreements are handled with respect and complaints are presented without targeting/attacking anyone, they will always be a part of the feedback loop we rely on to make improvements to the game.
As @Pikolu pointed out, this is an inclusive community and we won't invite people to leave because they're dissatisfied with something. The error is in being disrespectful while voicing those concerns.