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Champion Senescent: Apocalypse

TerraTerra Posts: 8,128 ★★★★★
Released in 2020.
4 years later. Does he still hold up?

Champion Senescent: Apocalypse 81 votes

Spity68AraevinzuffyLinkWink10phillgreenRagnarok13Cat_MurdockCropDusterNOOOOOOOOPEEEEEMhd20034Doom_and_GloomFfm1899rcm2017LmaoMoosetiptronicOpandemonioLittlePeteRockyshockySavageBreaker69Colinwhitworth69 74 votes
ReignkingTWJT_SupremeRuwqiersaxp21TrongNovEmilia90QueenMcoc 7 votes


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    13579rebel_13579rebel_ Posts: 2,542 ★★★★★
    Yes but not as much as he used to

    He's got utility but honestly he relies on the cable synergy or a mutant earlier in the path for damage

    Battlegrounds changed things and he's just to slow on offense (except for this meta)

    He definitely helped give the mutant class a boost but he isn't in his best shape now
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    RuwqiersaRuwqiersa Posts: 710 ★★★

    If someone who says No can elaborate, I have my popcorn ready.

    My second r5 ascension, useful is some many places, againast so many champs and nodes. Multiple immunities, multiple forms of DOT (five), block break, super tanky health, gets buffs, and of course can make other mutants into gods.

    I only use my apoc in tbeq. He is trash in bgs and i havent seen many people use him in aw including myself. Apoc is insanely good in story content and side quest type content ( including gauntlet etc) but he just isnt useful after you do allat.
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    ReignkingTWReignkingTW Posts: 2,684 ★★★★★
    Got him very late, so he seems very outdated to me.

    When you don't get a champ and you don't use him much you find others to get stuff done.
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    captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Posts: 5,717 ★★★★★
    Although I'm keeping mine at r1 cuz I used to chase him, but now my 7* mutant roster is stacked, So I'm hesitant on investing in him.

    Also how long it will take him to enter 7* pool? He powers every 7* mutant champ rn, from domino bishop sunspot to prof x and onslaught.
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    RuwqiersaRuwqiersa Posts: 710 ★★★

    For all those diehard bg fans,
    1) Apoc is a tanky defender with annoying specials and niche abiltites
    2) He is still good against certain annoying skill defenders like korg nd kingpin.
    3) He is solid in this meta.

    And most importantly, 95% of playerbase below tb don't take bgs seriously and 90% of tb and above players don't take gc seriously. So our rankups need not to revolve around bgs.
    Also y'all should stop behaving like apoc is terrible for bgs, he is still a good attacker/defender, not a top pick, but certainly not a meh.

    Apoc is not a tanky defender when half of rosters are nukes
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    RuwqiersaRuwqiersa Posts: 710 ★★★
    Also no he isnt worth running just for doing kps and korgs in 1 min +
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    captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Posts: 5,717 ★★★★★
    @Ruwqiersa obviously you are right, he is neither a top defender nor a top attacker in bgs. He is decent in bgs and insane in other areas, I don't see any loss in having him one among 30, unless you are hardcore gc player.
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    RuwqiersaRuwqiersa Posts: 710 ★★★

    @Ruwqiersa obviously you are right, he is neither a top defender nor a top attacker in bgs. He is decent in bgs and insane in other areas, I don't see any loss in having him one among 30, unless you are hardcore gc player.

    He isnt decent. He is straight up Ass. Tho yeah i agree he is insane in other areas. But if you are already done with them he has almost 0 value
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    captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Posts: 5,717 ★★★★★
    Ruwqiersa said:

    @Ruwqiersa obviously you are right, he is neither a top defender nor a top attacker in bgs. He is decent in bgs and insane in other areas, I don't see any loss in having him one among 30, unless you are hardcore gc player.

    He isnt decent. He is straight up Ass. Tho yeah i agree he is insane in other areas. But if you are already done with them he has almost 0 value
    You're getting it wrong, Other players stated they have him at R4 and r5, do you think he is not even worth among 30 at r4/r5 level? He might be a good baron zemo counter due to his disorient immunity.
    But yeah I agree he isn't a bg champ, but he is not as bas as aegon for bgs.
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    Emilia90Emilia90 Posts: 2,551 ★★★★★
    Thought I’d clarify, he’s still a great champ, but I think he’s fallen out of top 3 mutants tbh. I’d have said he’s easily top 3 when he first came out

    For one, he’s a pretty mediocre battlegrounds champ other than very specific metas and he’s not too hard of a defender. Like someone else said, there’s a lot of nukes now and he’s pretty easy to take down. Haven’t seen him in any major roster in a long time

    He could be ok for war, but I’d rather reach for a bunch of champs before I touch apoc and none of the recent metas have been built for him. On top of that, he needs a synergy to start ramped and I’d rather just bring someone else to do the job who can do what he does out of the gate

    For story questing, he’s good, but again, I’d rather just use someone else than bring cable/ramp him. He still has great damage once ramped and some of the best utility, but I just don’t really see myself taking him into much cause of the ramp (unless there’s a mutant ofc). More so personal preference I guess

    His synergies are still the best in the game though, and he’s invaluable for that. Really buffs up AA and Storm and with it, you can run through endgame content like Necro
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    RuwqiersaRuwqiersa Posts: 710 ★★★

    Ruwqiersa said:

    @Ruwqiersa obviously you are right, he is neither a top defender nor a top attacker in bgs. He is decent in bgs and insane in other areas, I don't see any loss in having him one among 30, unless you are hardcore gc player.

    He isnt decent. He is straight up Ass. Tho yeah i agree he is insane in other areas. But if you are already done with them he has almost 0 value
    You're getting it wrong, Other players stated they have him at R4 and r5, do you think he is not even worth among 30 at r4/r5 level? He might be a good baron zemo counter due to his disorient immunity.
    But yeah I agree he isn't a bg champ, but he is not as bas as aegon for bgs.
    Dude he cant even finish the fights he counter under 1 min. At that point just use worse option but faster.
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    Wicket329Wicket329 Posts: 3,199 ★★★★★
    I’ll just say this: Apoc’s optimal matches in BGs aren’t skill champs, they’re mutants. Starts with 3 prowess instead of 1 and applies both debuffs on each special. Still takes some doing, but that’s the right way to use him for that content.
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    ReignkingTWReignkingTW Posts: 2,684 ★★★★★

    OP throwing SAT words at us with Senescent… I had to look it up.

    It's not a typo?
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    OrtounOrtoun Posts: 624 ★★★
    One of my favorite apocalypse counters is kingpin. Sure you never hit overpower, but things get nutty with enough rage stacks.
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    phillgreenphillgreen Posts: 3,860 ★★★★★
    edited January 13
    I base my decision on general questing viability so its a yes from me.

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    Graves_3Graves_3 Posts: 1,375 ★★★★★

    If someone who says No can elaborate, I have my popcorn ready.

    My second r5 ascension, useful is some many places, againast so many champs and nodes. Multiple immunities, multiple forms of DOT (five), block break, super tanky health, gets buffs, and of course can make other mutants into gods.

    Care to explain which five DOT apoc has? I thought he only has 3 DoT effects.
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