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Should Kabam develop at least one character for every country?

E.g. options for Romania:
(1) Dracula
(2) Razor Fist (Mattias)


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    DNA3000DNA3000 Posts: 19,015 Guardian
    In theory, sure. In practice, depending on who you ask there's about 200 countries out there. If they started now, even accounting for countries already represented it would likely take over six years to run through the list once. So while that's a nice (very, very, very, very) long term goal to achieve, I don't think that's something that is going to be directly tackled to completion.
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    ReignkingTWReignkingTW Posts: 2,679 ★★★★★
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    o_oo_o Posts: 834 ★★★★
    I interpreted OP's title and post a bit differently - I think they're trying to say "should Kabam ever decide to develop characters from every country, here are two options for Romania"
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    RiasGremoryRiasGremory Posts: 227
    edited January 12

    E.g. options for Romania:
    (1) Dracula
    (2) Razor Fist (Mattias)

    Hope they start with Steel Serpent (K'un-Lun) : D
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