Naughty or nice solo objectives and tokens missing.
I completed all the naughty or nice solo objectives and it said I could claim the rewards in stash, but it said there was something stash and there wasn’t, I’m trying to get the last naughty token but it won’t let me claim it! Is anyone else having this problem?
But could only re-claim Objective Levels *UP TO* the last level (which is what would then trigger the pop-up Naughty / Nice Selector).
So maybe that final “unclaimable” objective level was counting as being in STASH (or at least appearing as a #'d Notification icon for Stash, even if it wasn’t actually showing up there because you really can’t re-claim that final level again) ?
Not letting you re-claim a final level again would correctly prevent you from obtaining BOTH Naught and Nice Titles (can only get one Title).