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Who’s one champ you can’t pull no matter how many crystals you open



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    jshanso2jshanso2 Posts: 38
    I have been playing this game on/off since 2018 and I still only have a 4* GR. I never got a 5* or now 6* and he was one of my favorite characters.
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    GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Posts: 36,376 ★★★★★

    JessieS said:

    Colossus 6 star and Jessica Jones

    Just FYI...Jessica Jones is a rare, whale-spending-event-only champ lol. She's not in the basic crystals. I got her from buying all of the Spring Cleaning deals last year. R5'd, awakend and max sig her. Got her again in the Rare Champ selector during Banquet lol.

    She's an event only champ. The game will let you know when you can shoot your shot at her @JessieS

    Do you ever look back and question why you spent that much money for rewards that are considered **** nowadays? Personally I’d be pissed if I spent like 700 USD buying a whole store and a year later those rewards are easy af to get 😂
    How is she considered $h!#?
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    G-Hun-GearG-Hun-Gear Posts: 1,447 ★★★★

    JessieS said:

    Colossus 6 star and Jessica Jones

    Just FYI...Jessica Jones is a rare, whale-spending-event-only champ lol. She's not in the basic crystals. I got her from buying all of the Spring Cleaning deals last year. R5'd, awakend and max sig her. Got her again in the Rare Champ selector during Banquet lol.

    She's an event only champ. The game will let you know when you can shoot your shot at her @JessieS

    Do you ever look back and question why you spent that much money for rewards that are considered **** nowadays? Personally I’d be pissed if I spent like 700 USD buying a whole store and a year later those rewards are easy af to get 😂
    How is she considered $h!#?
    I guess he doesn’t mean the champ, but the reward itself… 700 USD for a 6* seems a bit pricy nowadays! Also in general, most of the rewards depreciate in value pretty quickly.
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    ChaosMax1012ChaosMax1012 Posts: 3,096 ★★★★★
    FAM, 3 tech abyss nexuses, all missed.
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    AleorAleor Posts: 3,077 ★★★★★
    FAM as well. I've opened 3 abyss tech already chasing him
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    ChaosMax1012ChaosMax1012 Posts: 3,096 ★★★★★
    Aleor said:

    FAM as well. I've opened 3 abyss tech already chasing him

    I guess he isn’t in our future
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    call_me_ogcall_me_og Posts: 87

    5 or 6* Apocalypse

    ...I've also been wanting a 6* Angela

    i newley pulled a 5* apoc actually
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    TV_Addict_2017TV_Addict_2017 Posts: 41
    Every time there's a new 6* featured crystal there's always one champion that escapes me, i get every champion in that crystal except one. I'd be opening 40+ crystal throughout it's rotation and there'd always be one i can never pull.. i'd have to wait for it to come up in basic arena to grind for. Last time it was Lady deathStrike, this time.. it's.. Gladiator..
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    8SidedCircle8SidedCircle Posts: 25
    Kingpin. 5 abyss skill nexus, guessing 30+ 6* mutant/skill dual. My 5* still putting in work.
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    Vegeta9001Vegeta9001 Posts: 1,510 ★★★★
    The only 6*s I'm missing in the basic pool are Beast and Winter soldier im in no rush for them.
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