Is it worth grinding arena round 2 to duplicate Yondu?

I already got Yondu from Arena. He's good even unduped. Do u guys think it's worth enough to grind for next round to wake him?
Is it worth grinding arena round 2 to duplicate Yondu? 51 votes
21 votes
14 votes
Not sure
16 votes
Really? The difference between unawakened and sig 1 is huge. I hardly ever go for 4*s from arena anymore. Don't know that I'll go for another unless they finally make Wolverine a basic champ. But if you are interested in getting a particular 4* and you can do that much arena it's totally worth it.
The first 1.5 million in the basic arena is always worth the milestone rewards. The next 250k more or less guarantees the 11% rank rewards which is also worth it for the small incremental effort required.
Yondu will likely require something on the order of about 1.5 million points above that to dup him. That's a relatively small amount of arena points to awaken him, if you decide to awaken the basic champ. It is also worth an additional 100 5* fragments if you do. That's borderline, but if it doesn't take you a lot of effort to score 1.5 million in the basic arena I'd say it is probably worth it.
Eh, depends on the champ. SL or Voodoo, for example, are definitely worth grinding for to awaken.
But champs who don't rely on their sig ability to be good, they just catch a slight bump in Xbones or Drax certainly aren't worth the time and effort (unless they can be obtained within your normal arena output).
Drax isn’t worth the dupe? My friend you clearly don’t understand how good his sig is.