NO “ Valient “ raid chest ?



  • ContestOfNoobsContestOfNoobs Member Posts: 1,580 ★★★★

    Wicket329 said:

    I’ll just say that as a general rule, it’s not a good idea to get into an account-measuring contest on the forums. There’s always a bigger fish than you lurking around.

    As for the content of your post: it has always been the case that new title rewards are fairly slow to roll out. As of right now, @Demonzfyre is correct, the difference between a longtime paragon and a valiant player could be as minor as one path of Necropolis. In time, that difference will grow, the same way the differences between Paragon and Thronebreaker or Thronebreaker and Cavalier have grown. That’s when you’ll start seeing more progression based differences in game.

    And I was pointing out there are new paragons who aren’t long time paragon’s

    Valiant wont be as special by the time next 4th of July or cyber deals rolls out.

    I could of stayed as a long time paragon but I decided to push for the title early GRINDED in arena and potions the 100% necro

    To get the title. Early

    The problem is that you have been around since 2015 and apparently not realized that new progression titles are really only good for daily crystals and bragging for the first ~year they are out (oh, and unit/cash deals). It would be a bit ridiculous for Kabam to suddenly introduce significantly better rewards for Valiant players without notice or precedence at the very opening of a new game... mode?

    Vanitelia said:

    Everyone in your ally is playing the same game mode, fighting the same bosses, and getting the chests with the same drop rates. It doesn't matter if you're valiant and you have 2 paragons on your lane. You wouldn't get to the chest to test that rng if it wasn't for your ally mates helping you get there.

    Kabam dropped the ball with putting paragon title on the chest to begin with. AW structures rewards based on tiers. I have no idea why they didn't do the same for Raids. With tiers, rewards are based on the difficulty of the content you face.

    Lastly, the amount of jealousy/envy this game mode has created is the exact reason why AQ rewards were changed back in the day. Players covet juicy rewards and instead of congratulating your ally mates for their rng, people flood the forums to complain about what their "buddies" got. earned your valiant title but that, in no way, has an impact on what you did in Raids.

    Yup and when I share my
    Roster and pulls you can sense the jealousy and hate.

    Everytime that guys sees it lol. It’s crazy how just now he’s saying it.

    When I been doing this for years, and he even names twitter. I Stopped doing it a lot just here and there to share some pulls and he brought it up.

    Yes they could have made it when it would be “valiant” difficulty for a “valiant” chest if anything.

    All of this just me speaking my mind and the dude really had a bone to pick with me lol.

    Thought I didn’t do end game content or anything, then proceeded to brush it off saying he’s content with the game and where he’s at while staying he hates arena.

    But the rng chest rewards
    is still the biggest drawbacks especially with the amount of demand “everyone” has to go through.
    This isn't the first time I've talked about your narcissistic comments here on the forums. I've know you for years and as long as these forums have been around since 2017. I know what you've done in the game. Anyone who has read any of your posts know what you've done in the game. You and CoatHang3r were always vying for number one in arena.

    I said I was content with where I'M at in the game and I will always say I hate arena because it's boring.

    You've made 2 posts about the exact same thing and said the exact same thing in both threads. You even somehow decided it was a good idea to make 2 "how's your 7* roster" posts in December.

    You should have just added to the mega thread that Miike was commenting on. Rewards have been a contentious point for many and they are aware of people's feelings towards them. Making 2 extra threads that are basically identical just adds more clutter to the forums that we don't need.

    Try to actually offer something constructive next time. Give some real feedback without telling everyone what you've done in the game.

    lol what are you a mod or something.

    We are free to post here 😂
    You the only who seem to have bone to pick with me.

    You haven’t contributed to any post or anything.

    Let’s just say the whole sigil thing and battle pass was an idea that I pitched to kabam back in the day when I was in the background, back when there wasn’t a ccp program.

    So iv contributed a lot more than what you have or even known, so yes my voice has been heard directly to kabam.

    You don’t own anything or have any say what goes on forums.
  • FuneralMistFuneralMist Member Posts: 110 ★★
    At this rate he's gonna request for his own "valient chest"..lmao
  • SyndicatedSyndicated Member Posts: 640 ★★★
    It's just first raid, we got a ton of problems, errors and very difficult bosses

    Paragon chest gave people really cool prizes, like 20k titán, Even a 7* Ultron, so, i see that chests like cool Valiant prizes and very cool paragon prizes.
  • KoiBoy18KoiBoy18 Member Posts: 335 ★★★
    edited January 23

    Yup and when I share my
    Roster and pulls you can sense the jealousy and hate.

    Narcissistic to the nth power
    KoiBoy18 said:

    Yup and when I share my
    Roster and pulls you can sense the jealousy and hate.

    Sig level 200 Narcissism right here
  • SirGamesBondSirGamesBond Member Posts: 4,815 ★★★★★

    Lol what do u want that chest to have? 200,000 Titan shards?

  • ContestOfNoobsContestOfNoobs Member Posts: 1,580 ★★★★

    Whoever disagreeing isn’t valient and I know for sure hasn’t 100% necro 🤣

    I'm Valiant. Necropolis 100%, with all relevant content Explored. I don't think that every single thing in the game needs to be tuned towards Valiant just yet.

    Have a little patience.

    (And by your other comments in this thread: less ego)

    Whoever disagreeing isn’t valient and I know for sure hasn’t 100% necro 🤣

    I'm Valiant. Necropolis 100%, with all relevant content Explored. I don't think that every single thing in the game needs to be tuned towards Valiant just yet.

    Have a little patience.

    (And by your other comments in this thread: less ego)
    Didn’t mean it that way, dude came out and went on me first.

  • Wicket329Wicket329 Member Posts: 3,334 ★★★★★

    Whoever disagreeing isn’t valient and I know for sure hasn’t 100% necro 🤣

    I'm Valiant. Necropolis 100%, with all relevant content Explored. I don't think that every single thing in the game needs to be tuned towards Valiant just yet.

    Have a little patience.

    (And by your other comments in this thread: less ego)

    Whoever disagreeing isn’t valient and I know for sure hasn’t 100% necro 🤣

    I'm Valiant. Necropolis 100%, with all relevant content Explored. I don't think that every single thing in the game needs to be tuned towards Valiant just yet.

    Have a little patience.

    (And by your other comments in this thread: less ego)
    Didn’t mean it that way, dude came out and went on me first.

    The comment that set you off says that Valiant players are not that far off from Paragon players. He used second person pronouns, which might make it feel more personal if not read closely, but it was definitely a collective statement rather than an individual one.

    Nobody came at you. You misunderstood the poster’s intent and had a very dramatic response to it, and things spiraled from there. That’s okay, nuanced communication on the forums can be genuinely difficult. But let’s just all chill out here.
  • Ayden_noah1Ayden_noah1 Member Posts: 1,719 ★★★★
    Where is THE Valiant @PT_99 , we need THE Valiant's opion on this since he's THE Valiant and would know about his people's plight.
  • peixemacacopeixemacaco Member Posts: 2,410 ★★★★

    Where is THE Valiant @PT_99 , we need THE Valiant's opion on this since he's THE Valiant and would know about his people's plight.

    You're wrong.
    @PT_99 did the legendary I Am The Paragon topic, not Valiant as this one.

    So...this meme is not the reality anymore...
    Valiant don't have their rewards???

  • ChaosMax1012ChaosMax1012 Member Posts: 3,113 ★★★★★
    For this to be fair, should remove the second chest next to paragon and have each respective progression level have their own selection. However i do think Valiant players do not have their own selection currently due to lack of players that are actually valiant, as its a big minority right now. Kabam typically waits until theres enough opportunities for the highest progression level so that players that aren’t in that minority initially aren’t left completely in the dust. Eventually they will probably add more exclusive features to valiant as they’ve done for paragon for a long time.
  • PT_99PT_99 Member Posts: 4,137 ★★★★★

    Where is THE Valiant @PT_99 , we need THE Valiant's opion on this since he's THE Valiant and would know about his people's plight.

    I'm not yet worthy of that title but let there be no sorrow, I will succeed when the times are dark and needs are high.
  • peixemacacopeixemacaco Member Posts: 2,410 ★★★★
    edited January 25
    PT_99 said:

    Where is THE Valiant @PT_99 , we need THE Valiant's opion on this since he's THE Valiant and would know about his people's plight.

    I'm not yet worthy of that title but let there be no sorrow, I will succeed when the times are dark and needs are high.
    So...when you reach that title, we'll see a topic "I AM THE VALIANT"?

  • PT_99PT_99 Member Posts: 4,137 ★★★★★

    PT_99 said:

    Where is THE Valiant @PT_99 , we need THE Valiant's opion on this since he's THE Valiant and would know about his people's plight.

    I'm not yet worthy of that title but let there be no sorrow, I will succeed when the times are dark and needs are high.
    So...when you reach that title, we'll see a topic "I AM THE VALIANT"?

    I think Kabam will automatically transform my THE Paragon to THE valiant and I will neatly vacate spot for THE Paragon for someone to take, big shoes to fill but I'm sure someone worthy will step up.
  • Ayden_noah1Ayden_noah1 Member Posts: 1,719 ★★★★
    PT_99 said:

    Where is THE Valiant @PT_99 , we need THE Valiant's opion on this since he's THE Valiant and would know about his people's plight.

    I'm not yet worthy of that title but let there be no sorrow, I will succeed when the times are dark and needs are high.
    When the day comes, all the Valiant will rejoice and bow down to the "THE Valiant" eylling "Happy days is finally here". Right now all the Valiants are hiding in the bushes waiting for direction. You better hurry up since if you take too long, there's going to be a few going rogue on you.
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