Strategies for Paragon Gauntlet

PantherusNZPantherusNZ Member Posts: 2,026 ★★★★★
I'm curious what peoples' strategies are for Paragon Gauntlet each month, how do you approach them?

Do you pick your attackers for the 1-2 harder bosses and work backwards from there? What if you're not confident of getting the one-shot on each one?

Do you just go ham with Herc or Aegon, building charges through the more trivial early bosses?

What about this month's - has anyone successfully done the side-quest to get the piece of Deathless Groot? I don't see myself managing that without a bunch of revives...


  • hyp3r05hyp3r05 Member Posts: 82
    Usually I test various boss counters while doing TB EQ exploration then just picked what worked best for doing paragauntlet

    This months was a bit of a challenge I went in with BWDO (r3 6*), Abs man (r5 ascended 5*), and Domino (r4 ascended 6*).
    I used BWDO for Luke Cage and Mr. Negative, Abs man for White Tiger, and Domino for everyone else.
    Got the one shots on Luke and DDHK
  • Ansh_AAnsh_A Member Posts: 582 ★★★
    I normally take counters for the first three defenders and in each node, i rotate out one of the attackers for the counter to the fourth defender. I always set aside the boss counter for the last choice node.

    Paragon gauntlet is normally very easy but this time because of bullseye and mercenary objective, it was hard. This time i used Domino + Masacre for the synergy and Abs Man because he is r4 sig 200.
  • MCOCHazzaMCOCHazza Member Posts: 883 ★★★
    I usually just bring abs man, Kate and omega and then crush all of them. Sometimes might swap one for photon, Fant, hulkling or something depending on defenders and nodes. But usually don’t need to use choice nodes once I’ve got my team of 3
  • Savage123456789Savage123456789 Member Posts: 737 ★★★
    It’s a roster thing, if you have the better ones ranked up already, you’ll be fine. Don’t stress on the fact you need revives, the investment might be worth it in the long run for this specific gauntlet. I used 1 revive for the first time in gauntlet this month. Using revives in gauntlet comes down to your own account, how worth it are the rewards ? Also, start practicing the bosses with mercenaries as you explore EQ, that’s what I did to get a feel of which mercenaries in my account would work best since you can’t use choice nodes
  • G-Hun-GearG-Hun-Gear Member Posts: 1,447 ★★★★
    I usually make use of the choice nodes and bring some synergy champs…. this month it is:

    Starting Team: Herc, Hulk and Odin (for the pre-fights on Herc)

    First choice node: Swap in Overseer for Odin (Overseer gives Hulk Reverse control immunity which helps against Mr. Negative)

    Second Choice node: Swap in Nimrod for Overseer (Nimrod’s bleed immunity helps against Bullseye)

    As for the Carina’s Challenge: My only ranked Mercenary is 5* ascended Domino. So I added X-Pool and Sabretooth for synergies and pushed through… Took me a total of 6-8 revives, I believe…
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 8,926 ★★★★★

    I usually make use of the choice nodes and bring some synergy champs…. this month it is:

    Starting Team: Herc, Hulk and Odin (for the pre-fights on Herc)

    First choice node: Swap in Overseer for Odin (Overseer gives Hulk Reverse control immunity which helps against Mr. Negative)

    Second Choice node: Swap in Nimrod for Overseer (Nimrod’s bleed immunity helps against Bullseye)

    As for the Carina’s Challenge: My only ranked Mercenary is 5* ascended Domino. So I added X-Pool and Sabretooth for synergies and pushed through… Took me a total of 6-8 revives, I believe…

    Dr. Zola
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 21,794 ★★★★★

    I'm curious what peoples' strategies are for Paragon Gauntlet each month, how do you approach them?

    Do you pick your attackers for the 1-2 harder bosses and work backwards from there? What if you're not confident of getting the one-shot on each one?

    Do you just go ham with Herc or Aegon, building charges through the more trivial early bosses?

    What about this month's - has anyone successfully done the side-quest to get the piece of Deathless Groot? I don't see myself managing that without a bunch of revives...

    For this month's deathless objective I used BWDO and Abs Man. Didn't have much of and issue except for staying away from Bullseye after 1 bar of power.
  • G-Hun-GearG-Hun-Gear Member Posts: 1,447 ★★★★
    edited January 23
    DrZola said:

    I usually make use of the choice nodes and bring some synergy champs…. this month it is:

    Starting Team: Herc, Hulk and Odin (for the pre-fights on Herc)

    First choice node: Swap in Overseer for Odin (Overseer gives Hulk Reverse control immunity which helps against Mr. Negative)

    Second Choice node: Swap in Nimrod for Overseer (Nimrod’s bleed immunity helps against Bullseye)

    As for the Carina’s Challenge: My only ranked Mercenary is 5* ascended Domino. So I added X-Pool and Sabretooth for synergies and pushed through… Took me a total of 6-8 revives, I believe…

    Dr. Zola
    Yeah, OP was asking about general strategies for Paragon Gauntlet, and additionally for this month‘s Carina‘s Challenge. Which is why I explained both…

    Of course you can use choice nodes for completion (and also every 4 days for the „Event Quest Completion“ 22h solo objective). Only once do you need to do it with #Mercenary champs without a choice node, if you even care about the Carina‘s Challenge, the deathless piece and the dust, that is…
  • A_FungiA_Fungi Member Posts: 994 ★★★★
    As many others have stated, I usually pick whoever worked best when doing TB.

    I got pretty lucky this month with having n R5 ascended WPN X for bullseye. Hit Monkey and Abs handled what they needed to also.
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 8,093 ★★★★★
    Guys how well domino nd abs man work for the guantlet?
  • G-Hun-GearG-Hun-Gear Member Posts: 1,447 ★★★★
    edited January 23

    Guys how well domino nd abs man work for the guantlet?

    I used a 5* ascended Domino and needed 6-8 revives and a couple of potions…

    Have heard good things about Abs Man, but don‘t have him…
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 21,794 ★★★★★

    Guys how well domino nd abs man work for the guantlet?

    He was great for me for a few fights. Worked decently well with Bullseye. Domino was too RNG for me to use her consistently. I used BWDO but she's R5 and ascended.
  • WhyIdodisWhyIdodis Member Posts: 10
    Got the King Groot piece yesterday with Luke Cage, Crossbones, Deadpool X force team. Not the optimal choices but slim pickings on mercenaries for me. I restarted a few times until I had a solid Hood fight, if he’s using his sp1 he’s not as bad to deal with. One team revive was needed for the path and some solo revives used to get bullseye down. Just try your best mercs, throw on some boosts and it’s doable.
  • PantherusNZPantherusNZ Member Posts: 2,026 ★★★★★
    Interesting, thanks all for the insights - I always like to hear how others are playing the game.

    I tried a different strategy this time, which is what got me thinking about it.

    I started with Apocalypse, Cable, and Bishop. Apoc handled Luke Cage, fed the Horseman boost to Bishop for Hood and he handled that. Swapped out Cable for Hit Monkey, Apoc handled the next 2 fights though, with Hit Monkey in support if needed (he wasn't). Then swapped Apoc for Titania - she handled White Tiger (got a bit lucky with Haymaker active when she threw an SP3 and was able to gain the solo, then finally Horseman-Bishop got the solo against Bullseye - didn't even need Hit Monkey in the end!

    Going to have another go for the Merc quest - thinking Domino and Hit Monkey, then deciding whether to include BWDO or bring Massacre for the synergy...
  • NojokejaymNojokejaym Member Posts: 4,111 ★★★★★
    I did this month without using a single item. Domino for the boss and you can use hit monkey and bwdo for the other fights
  • MrSakuragiMrSakuragi Member Posts: 4,903 ★★★★★
    I used 7* Domino for every fight. Also brought 6* Abs Man and 6* Domino.
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 8,926 ★★★★★
    No revives for the above team. Did burn through a couple of boost and overflow team heal pots to top champs off, but otherwise BWDO for Cage/MrN, Abs for Hood/Tiger, Domino for NFDD/Bullseye.

    Dr. Zola
  • GrO_ot78GrO_ot78 Member Posts: 688 ★★★

    My team 🤭😂🤣

    Weapon X is great for Bullseye tho…if you get to agressive and push him to early after 1 bar of power, he will heal most of the damage.
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