Un-nerf the past

As the game grows, the love of the past remains. Kabam...are you happy that no one uses Dr. Strange after his nerfing, rendering him useless? Why can't he be restored in this current meta? We know you go about evening things out by countering an ability. Other champs can do what he did, so why not give it back to him and tune him up?
Reward the past, undue the nerf, tune up Scarlet Witch classic to how she was and lets see how she does with the game in its current version. Scarlet Witch Sigil is cool and all and her ability can be very unstable, so why can't classic be unstable the other way?
OG Thor would be so fun to use pre-nerf. The current game has many champs that are gamebreakers...
I'm wondering, has un-nerfing the past been discussed or considered? Maybe a rebalancing to bring some of their former glory back making them useful again?
Me personally, I love Scarlet Witch classic, so when she dropped as a 6*, regardless of nerf, I couldn't wait to pull her. When I did, i ranked her up to R5 as fast as I could, and recently ascended, but the procs just aren't the same and should be %20 again.
As a day 1 player of this game, many of us stuck it out from 12.0 thinking that maybe one day, this game would counter what those old champs could do and restore them to how we loved and enjoyed...but that hasn't happened...yet. When rebalancing/overhauling program started, I'm sure there was some of us that thought the past legendary champs would get that treatment. I still hold out hope one day they will.
How many share in these thoughts and would love to see it? I'd pay for that ability to restore them, personally.
Reward the past, undue the nerf, tune up Scarlet Witch classic to how she was and lets see how she does with the game in its current version. Scarlet Witch Sigil is cool and all and her ability can be very unstable, so why can't classic be unstable the other way?
OG Thor would be so fun to use pre-nerf. The current game has many champs that are gamebreakers...
I'm wondering, has un-nerfing the past been discussed or considered? Maybe a rebalancing to bring some of their former glory back making them useful again?
Me personally, I love Scarlet Witch classic, so when she dropped as a 6*, regardless of nerf, I couldn't wait to pull her. When I did, i ranked her up to R5 as fast as I could, and recently ascended, but the procs just aren't the same and should be %20 again.
As a day 1 player of this game, many of us stuck it out from 12.0 thinking that maybe one day, this game would counter what those old champs could do and restore them to how we loved and enjoyed...but that hasn't happened...yet. When rebalancing/overhauling program started, I'm sure there was some of us that thought the past legendary champs would get that treatment. I still hold out hope one day they will.
How many share in these thoughts and would love to see it? I'd pay for that ability to restore them, personally.
It's time to fully accept it and move on.
By the way, check out this.
(still waiting for Dr Strange's rework)
I use my SW(C) in current and we know she still can, but we ALL know Strange cannot.