How many revives for necropolis?

I am planning to do my first run in the necropolis. I have a rank 4 ascended Aegon. How many revives should I bring? I’m a paragon player with medium skills.


  • PantherusNZPantherusNZ Member Posts: 2,344 ★★★★★
    I echo the recommendation of 100ish. Obviously there are a lot of factors that changes that, skill, luck, health, etc etc. Just make sure you have the capability to get more if you need to.

    Here's my review of my own Necro run with the same main as you:
  • ahmynutsahmynuts Member Posts: 8,226 ★★★★★
    My first run was around 60 but it was pretty scuffed and idk wtf happened with tigra
  • PT_99PT_99 Member Posts: 5,618 ★★★★★
    Go for 100, so no regrets if you need 71 or 61.
    For your first run, don't go wong, he's such a bait and if you start getting messy and die he will make your dong hurt from the amount of revives you'd waste.
  • Toproller89Toproller89 Member Posts: 1,519 ★★★★
    I used about 110 revives from memory.
  • SnizzbarSnizzbar Member Posts: 2,278 ★★★★★
    I barged my way through with an R4 ascended Aegon and I think it was 70 or 80 revives. Medium skill, slow reaction time, and a weak bladder cost me about twenty of those
  • smdam38smdam38 Member Posts: 1,866 ★★★★
    Isn’t it like 150-ish for a good Aegon run?
  • ReignkingTWReignkingTW Member Posts: 2,774 ★★★★★
    110 for me but he was rank 5 ascended.
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,880 ★★★★★
    R4 ascended aegon could do it in 100 revives, if you play well you can do it in 60 revives. For god's sake bring in a counter for airwalker, cap britain and wiccan, If you have 6* doom he is perfect for airwalker and can do wiccan and cpa britain in 3-4 revives each.

    Airwalker would be a revive sink for aegon, cap britain is annoying with shifting controls and wiccan can heal a lot if he accidentally launch a sp1. Shuri can handle wiccan and cap britain, as well as dragon man pretty well.

    Other fights are relatively easy, and gm is fun and easy as well.
  • Bron1Bron1 Member Posts: 275

    I am planning to do my first run in the necropolis. I have a rank 4 ascended Aegon. How many revives should I bring? I’m a paragon player with medium skills.

    I would also recommend at least 100, since youre r4 and first run, you can buy pots bundles in store in game, the one with 500 units you get i think 75 revs for 2500 units , you can get another 10-12 revs from the apoc and daily quest until the offer on the bundles is over ( 6 days ) , and keep a stash of units with you just in case, i would recommend foucsing all on aegon he can kill everyone in the titiana path including airwalker , but a lot of people go with doom for airwalker , check runs on youtube
  • JBtheboss649JBtheboss649 Member Posts: 19
    I think the easiest path is the red goblin path into Elsa bloodstone. I used only Aegon (except for spider man supreme) and was done in about 57 revives. On this path there really aren’t any defenders that are exceptionaly hard the hardest one for me was Elsa because I missed her sp1 parry a few times but on every other path there are way more hard defenders.
  • Iron_Pro_51Iron_Pro_51 Member Posts: 9

    I echo the recommendation of 100ish. Obviously there are a lot of factors that changes that, skill, luck, health, etc etc. Just make sure you have the capability to get more if you need to.

    Here's my review of my own Necro run with the same main as you:

    So I have about 50 revives rn. If I buy the 500 unit offer 5 times I’ll have 125 revives. Do you think this is enough? I also have 10 team revives for the gm.
  • Wicket329Wicket329 Member Posts: 3,706 ★★★★★
    My first run was path 2 with an r4 unascended Aegon and a 7* Shuri. Think it cost me around 65 revives? And most of them were on Air Walker because I hadn’t learned that you need to plan on knocking him down when his timer is at about the halfway mark.
  • Bron1Bron1 Member Posts: 275

    I echo the recommendation of 100ish. Obviously there are a lot of factors that changes that, skill, luck, health, etc etc. Just make sure you have the capability to get more if you need to.

    Here's my review of my own Necro run with the same main as you:

    So I have about 50 revives rn. If I buy the 500 unit offer 5 times I’ll have 125 revives. Do you think this is enough? I also have 10 team revives for the gm.
    Yes 125 youre good to go, you dont need team revs for gm, aegon all phases except last one go with juggs
  • G-Hun-GearG-Hun-Gear Member Posts: 1,447 ★★★★

    I echo the recommendation of 100ish. Obviously there are a lot of factors that changes that, skill, luck, health, etc etc. Just make sure you have the capability to get more if you need to.

    Here's my review of my own Necro run with the same main as you:

    So I have about 50 revives rn. If I buy the 500 unit offer 5 times I’ll have 125 revives. Do you think this is enough? I also have 10 team revives for the gm.
    That should be fine… My run was 85 revives with r5 ascended Aegon… I did every single fight with Aegon and had Hulk with overseer synergy for the last phase of GM.

    You can get away with much less revives if you are a practiced Aegon player (which I wasn’t) and if you bring good counters for some of the trickier fights like Air Walker (which I didn’t)…
  • Iron_Pro_51Iron_Pro_51 Member Posts: 9

    I echo the recommendation of 100ish. Obviously there are a lot of factors that changes that, skill, luck, health, etc etc. Just make sure you have the capability to get more if you need to.

    Here's my review of my own Necro run with the same main as you:

    So I have about 50 revives rn. If I buy the 500 unit offer 5 times I’ll have 125 revives. Do you think this is enough? I also have 10 team revives for the gm.
    That should be fine… My run was 85 revives with r5 ascended Aegon… I did every single fight with Aegon and had Hulk with overseer synergy for the last phase of GM.

    You can get away with much less revives if you are a practiced Aegon player (which I wasn’t) and if you bring good counters for some of the trickier fights like Air Walker (which I didn’t)…
    Does abs man work for air walker? I don’t have doom :(
  • Iron_Pro_51Iron_Pro_51 Member Posts: 9

    I echo the recommendation of 100ish. Obviously there are a lot of factors that changes that, skill, luck, health, etc etc. Just make sure you have the capability to get more if you need to.

    Here's my review of my own Necro run with the same main as you:

    So I have about 50 revives rn. If I buy the 500 unit offer 5 times I’ll have 125 revives. Do you think this is enough? I also have 10 team revives for the gm.
    That should be fine… My run was 85 revives with r5 ascended Aegon… I did every single fight with Aegon and had Hulk with overseer synergy for the last phase of GM.

    You can get away with much less revives if you are a practiced Aegon player (which I wasn’t) and if you bring good counters for some of the trickier fights like Air Walker (which I didn’t)…
    Does abs man work for air walker? I don’t have doom :(
    Oh and for the gm last phase I think a r3 juggernaut should be enough…?
  • jj_jj_9jj_jj_9 Member Posts: 203 ★★
    did mine in 30 revives in inventory
    and 2600 units
  • Drago_von_DragoDrago_von_Drago Member Posts: 1,023 ★★★★
    I used Doom for Airwalker so I can’t speak to Absorbing Man working. I have seen America Chavez work well though.

    R3 juggernaut should be fine for the last phase. You just need to throw each special one time.
  • ChrisPowellChrisPowell Member Posts: 159
    I spent 80 my first run with an ascended r4 aegon. Though GM was glitchy and I wasn't getting prompts, spent 30 just on him.That was the Titiana path.

    I'd suggest having access to at least 100 revives, 400 units = 10 revives. If you come out of your run with extra resources no problem, run out of resources mid run you're going to have a problem.
  • JBtheboss649JBtheboss649 Member Posts: 19

    I echo the recommendation of 100ish. Obviously there are a lot of factors that changes that, skill, luck, health, etc etc. Just make sure you have the capability to get more if you need to.

    Here's my review of my own Necro run with the same main as you:

    So I have about 50 revives rn. If I buy the 500 unit offer 5 times I’ll have 125 revives. Do you think this is enough? I also have 10 team revives for the gm.
    That should be fine… My run was 85 revives with r5 ascended Aegon… I did every single fight with Aegon and had Hulk with overseer synergy for the last phase of GM.

    You can get away with much less revives if you are a practiced Aegon player (which I wasn’t) and if you bring good counters for some of the trickier fights like Air Walker (which I didn’t)…
    Does abs man work for air walker? I don’t have doom :(
    Absman will work but is a lot more difficult than just using Aegon, knocking him down really isn’t that hard to do remember it isn’t a big deal if you get hit with Aegon once in a while because it gives massive extra damage.

  • VaniteliaVanitelia Member Posts: 561 ★★★
    Depends on your ramp-up with Aegon. I kept doing the first fight on each path until I felt like I could get good runs consistently. Spent about 6-8 revives on the initial fight. After that, averaged about 2 until the GM. That's another 6-8. Add it all together and that's 38 revives. Budgeted 40-50 per path. Some paths were more of a resource drain than others (looking at you Silver Centurion).

    Advice would be to stop playing when you get tired or if you start getting tilted. Aegon's one of those champs where it's easy to get into a cycle of not paying attention to what you're doing and burn through your stash. He also requires commitment since you have to use resources to ramp.

  • Iron_Pro_51Iron_Pro_51 Member Posts: 9
    Update: I’ve now completed necropolis with around 80-90 revives. Airwalker was no problem at all just took 2 revives. I got chee‘ilth from the titan and a tech 2->3 gem. And from the 7 star class crystals I actually got a shuri….:D She’s definitely going to r3.
  • BabyGrootBabyGroot Member Posts: 196 ★★
    I averaged around 110. I could have saved some but just charged in each fight to get it done. The revive deals for 500 units aren't a bad deal if you're a bit short.
  • SaltE_Wenis69SaltE_Wenis69 Member Posts: 1,993 ★★★★
    edited February 2024
    On the low end roughly 25 and on the high end near 90
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