Summoners Choice 2024 Prespective

Listen, I get it, Blob is a cool character, and yes he would have probably been good for the game. Most of you are upset that he got voted out and that is completely reasonable. However, I challenge those of you to think of this as an opportunity to look at things from a different prespective. You see, voting for blob for myself (though I love him as a character) was a kind of vanilla thing to do primarly because it was the safest option of a strong champion. Now I’m not saying I don’t want strong reliable champions, but hear me out. I had no idea that most of these other characters apart from Blob even existed and thats what prompted me to vote for someone unique and different. Having someone you know come to the game is pretty cool, but having someone you know nothing about is even cooler becuase you never know what creative and cool mechanics/abilities the game team can create. Yes it creates more risk sourrounding the champions effectiveness within the contest and yes it might be a little dissapointing. The key is to not immediatly shut down and close your mind to the possibility that one of these two champions may be better than you expect. Its not ideal for most, but its what we have.
Why do you think there is some kind of correlation between a Champions popularity and how effective they will be in the game?
Just because a character is super popular, doesn't mean they will be extremely broken - and just because a character isn't that popular, doesn't mean they'll be garbage or "riskier" in terms of giving them a chance in the vote.
The devs just don't design Champions with these things in mind. They try to make them all reasonably powerful and balanced with each other as much as possible. Sure, you can try to predict what KIND of abilities each may have, but at the end of the day, all of them would likely be just as overall effective as each other - and if it didn't turn out that way, we have the rebalancing program, like what Gladiator is going through now.
I could also see Viper maybe being a Skill champ with Poison stuff, which would be interesting. But yeah, I don't see her animations having much potential.
You got it all wrong