Which Champions are at a class disadvantage, but really have an advantage?
This got me to thinking because Future Antman was driving me crazy to find a counter for him. Did some research, and ArchAngel is an amazing counter for him. So would like to start a list of sorts of some other Champions that are at a class disadvantage, but are a top-tier counter for their counterpart:
ArchAngel - Future Antman
I have some others (I think) but am curious as to what the community comes up with…
ArchAngel - Future Antman
I have some others (I think) but am curious as to what the community comes up with…
My pitch would be titania, that totally counters nick's second life with despair and a well timed sp3, she counters kingpin, as he gives her a ton of furies by purifiying her debuffs, and while korg and attuma are not ideal fights she can definetly do them far more comfortably than most other champs with class advantage.
Void and mister negative against kingpin
Kingpin against apocalypse
Void vs Kingpin
Titania vs plenty Skills champs due to haybreaker
Rags vs most tech (metal) except Nimmy, OS and maybe Shuri
Torch vs BWDO
Bishop vs Nimrod, Shuri, N ebula
Thing vs BWDO
I'm sure there are others I forget.
He's perfect for these fights the Poison both cuts him down quickly and mitigates the healing.. embarrasses him
On topic for the thread: Hulkling vs most mystics. You can keep all his buffs except furies up indefinitely so you don't have to worry about MD
Some really great responses here cant wait to try these out!