Ambush Champions
Member Posts: 13 ★
Hey, does anyone have a list of the Champions of Fortune ambushes on each path?
So if you look at objectives for that week, and look at side-quest map in that Down/Right/Left/Up section for that week, you’ll see whichever leftover Objective Target is not visible on map, that will be the Ambush.
Or are you asking *WHICH* of the 2 potential paths in each section/week it is that has that particular Ambush Target (as opposed to an unrelated Ambush fight that doesn’t have an objective assigned to it) ??
In case you done care about doing 100%. But the “known/visible” targets for that week are spread across both of the 2 paths that week anyways, so would still have to do both to hit all Targets (unless you do targets elsewhere in game or duels).