Winter of woe valiant progression issue

Thokk150Thokk150 Member Posts: 107
So I opened the game to check the winter of woe rewards in game, and they were different than those posted in the forums as in the photo below

And from this I gather that also the solo objective is progression gated, as I can't even see rewards past the 7th.
My question is, will I be able to access all of the rewards if I become valiant before the second fight or am I locked out?


  • Thokk150Thokk150 Member Posts: 107
    I am aware that last year you didn't get the bonus objective if you changed progression titles but the solo event had all of the milestones. Just wanting to know because if I do some objectives now I'm afraid I will lose points if the solo event resets
  • MrSakuragiMrSakuragi Member Posts: 6,063 ★★★★★
    Thokk150 said:

    So I opened the game to check the winter of woe rewards in game, and they were different than those posted in the forums as in the photo below

    And from this I gather that also the solo objective is progression gated, as I can't even see rewards past the 7th.
    My question is, will I be able to access all of the rewards if I become valiant before the second fight or am I locked out?

    They are progression gated. As mentioned in the stream or forum (maybe both), 18 points is the paragon peak. We don’t know if additional milestones are added if/when you progress.

  • Thokk150Thokk150 Member Posts: 107
    edited February 2024

    Thokk150 said:

    So I opened the game to check the winter of woe rewards in game, and they were different than those posted in the forums as in the photo below

    And from this I gather that also the solo objective is progression gated, as I can't even see rewards past the 7th.
    My question is, will I be able to access all of the rewards if I become valiant before the second fight or am I locked out?

    They are progression gated. As mentioned in the stream or forum (maybe both), 18 points is the paragon peak. We don’t know if additional milestones are added if/when you progress.

    Thank you, the issue I have is that this was not properly communicated and I organized my runs on the idea that I would lose out on the first objective (without which valiants still get the full rewards) and do everything from the second fight on, but they really haven't clarified at all for this solo event being different for different progression levels (as far as I know) and we don't exactly have a precedent. Now I may not get the last milestones which sucks and had I known this previously, I might've organized myself differently.
  • iFilipowicziFilipowicz Member Posts: 41
    Thokk150 said:

    Thank you, the issue I have is that this was not properly communicated and I organized my runs on the idea that I would lose out on the first objective (without which valiants still get the full rewards) and do everything from the second fight on, but they really haven't clarified at all for this solo event being different for different progression levels (as far as I know) and we don't exactly have a precedent. Now I may not get the last milestones which sucks and had I known this previously, I might've organized myself differently.

    Same for me.
    I waited intentionally with valiant, thinking i would only lose the one extra Point, if i get valiant the next two weeks.
    Eternity of Pain had all the milestones so i assumed the same.

    This really really sucks, if it stays this way

  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,675 ★★★★★
    I'm sure it won't stay this way, I think we all should write for kabam regarding this, I'll get to valiant by next monday and I don't want to lose these nice rewards
  • Thokk150Thokk150 Member Posts: 107
    Kabam speedfixed it damn, another kabam w
  • Kabam JaxKabam Jax Member, Moderator Posts: 1,718 ★★★★★
    A little more detail about what happened here and what the team did:

    The way this Solo Event was created caused issues. Initially there was a Paragon and a Valiant Event. This was going to likely make it so that Summoners who jump up to Valiant during the event don't have access to the additional Valiant objectives. So:

    "The Paragon specific Event was disabled, and we granted Paragon players access to the previously Valiant+ Event. This was done to avoid players getting point resets throughout the Event if they went up in PRG which would have been an ongoing/messy issue."

    Some Paragon players may notice points they previously earned have disappeared, the team will be adding those points back to the solo event after the conclusion of the first fight of the Winter of Woe.
  • CaptainHM44CaptainHM44 Member Posts: 21
    I am paragon player and i completed my winter of woe with my Shang chi but I only get 1 point ?
  • CaptainHM44CaptainHM44 Member Posts: 21

  • CaptainHM44CaptainHM44 Member Posts: 21
    I want to know that paragon players are able for extra point or not ?
  • CoMinowCoMinow Member Posts: 364 ★★

    I am paragon player and i completed my winter of woe with my Shang chi but I only get 1 point ?

    Which challenge is shang chi exactly?
    Gamma, robot or sister six? Why would you even get a single point? He doesn’t meet any objectives
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,697 Guardian
    Kabam Jax said:

    Some Paragon players may notice points they previously earned have disappeared, the team will be adding those points back to the solo event after the conclusion of the first fight of the Winter of Woe.

    I think this last sentence is causing a little confusion for people as to WHEN they would get those missing points.

    Initially, I read this statement from Jax and assumed that meant you would get the missing points after your next completion of that first fight (whenever that may be for you).

    But after seeing some other feedback in different threads, it sounds like maybe the points will come when this quest (WoW, Abs.Man) concludes and is switched to the next WoW opponent, regardless of when you do your next fight ??

    (so I can see why people are still asking “where are the points”)
    So when does “after the conclusion of the first fight of the Winter of Woe” actually mean ?
  • CassyCassy Member Posts: 1,108 ★★★
    This was.close to a "silent fix"😳
    For Player benefit!
    But only allmost... So no compensation.😃😉
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