5 energy per tile brutal

the 5 energy per tile is a complete and absolute joke by Kabam for the Winter of Woes. It should be 1 or 2 per tile, not 5, with how many retires this fight is taking.
I have no problems with the fight being hard, but this is awful. Spending 10 energy for a super hard fight (and you can die from one blocked hit) seems stupid
The 10 energy requirement per try is absurd 😠
Not that I support the energy cost, but it’s understandable from Kabam’s point.
I stopped for a long time. I returned at the beginning of this year. And I still haven't been able to masterfully evolve the account. I have the title Paragon. And these would be the characters that I would look for victories in this first week. But at the cost of 5 energy per block? I don't want to know about this fight. I play on an android. Sometimes I use dexterity and the character doesn't move. I took 173 thousand defense damage. Do you believe I'm going to waste time and resources repeating this fight with this energy expenditure? The rewards are very good. But that energy cost is a shame.
I wanted that deathless piece, but at this point, it's just doesn't seem likely unless something changes. I beat abs once with hulk, but I'm not wasting my time, resources, and energy to beat him again.
With how hard this fight is, there is absolutely no reason for a 10 energy requirement for each practice run...
I agree the energy is high but can see why it’s done.. but everyone making out like you have 2 days to do the fight.. it’s here for 2 weeks!
Kabam is aware of all our complaints. They know the vast majority of the player base hates the energy cost.
Whether they choose to fix it, is a much different question.