The absolute best counter to Winter of Woe Absorbing Man is...

She-Hulk! She's got a slow on her heavy to counter the unstoppable, a petrify on her SP2 to reverse the regen, and if you stack up enough furies, she can outdamage the regen too. If she's awakened, since she's fighting a mystic, each fury also increases the chances for the defender to throw specials (if i'm not mistaken), plus, she gets you an extra point with the gamma objective. Took my 6 star to rank 3 for the fight, and do not regret it one bit! The only issue is the AI is so damn passive, and just goes into the corner, blocking and refusing to throw specials. No special = no fury refresh. In one of my runs, got Abs man down to 4%, but lost my furies, and he promptly proceeded to regen back to 40%. Took countless tries and energy refills, but I finally got the solo on him.
That's it 🙂
She’s a great option, I used my r2 she hulk and she did well. You can dash in mid special to help with spacing.
The big bad end game players were bored and wanted a challenge.
They got one, and immediately whined if they couldn’t solo one fight.
The average end game players, that are the majority of that demographic are whining, because the fight is overtuned even for them, let alone anyone below that such as average or low Paragon accounts.
Probably wasn’t meant to be a solo fight but people are still doing it in one shot.
So how is it over tuned?
It’s for the end game folk and they have figured it out.
I don’t understand the hypocrisy of “Give more challenging content”, and then the whoa… not that challenging.
After 200 hits, so I really don't know what I am missing here, besides obvious skill
I'm a decent she hulk player, but it's beyond me at the mo with her.
I had him at 6% on one run. Five revives later and he's back at 60%. So I quit and restarted as it enables your to drop the mental frustration and get your rhythm back.
And of course, your usual Cosmic damage won't work. On the other hand, Disorient might save you from a few Unstoppables, and if he's turtling whilst Brute Force is eating you, then an SP1 into block will stun him.
Good luck!
Isn’t this a fight for endgame players? Where else are you going to use your revives?
“But I finished this with this…”
Nobody cares. It’s new challenging content, that you asked for. Finish it or don’t.
Please actually say something so we can have a real conversation.
If you haven’t played the content, you can’t “have a real conversation” about it. This isn’t meant as a dunk or a burn or whatever, it’s just a statement of fact that you have nothing of worth to contribute to this discussion because you haven’t experienced it. You trying to tell others how they should feel about this fight would be like me yelling at the quarterbacks during the Super Bowl tomorrow. You’re out of your depth and there is no reason to engage with you on this subject.