AI work?

Didn't kabam say they were going to work on the AI because of it not throwing specials like it should? This is the worst AI I've seen in my 5 years playing this game. I just fought a Hyperion in incursions and even slow playing him I had to tank 3 SP3. He holds his specials for 20+ seconds then the second he hits 3 bars he throws it. Absman in WOW is horribly passive, making an already hard fight unnecessarily difficult. Kabam has said that there is no issue with the AI so many times but finally admitted that new abilities affect how the AI can respond to certain situations. They still refuse to acknowledge that the AI has gotten better reaction time and hit box awareness over the past few years. It's time to stop gaslighting your player base and acknowledge that there is an issue.
Kabam still struggling on parry issue. Kabam known this issue long time ago but still sometimes parry seems RNG based machanism..
Dr. Zola
Dr. Zola