Why is Bahamet healing? (And past phase thresholds)

I'm suffering through this Guilly 2099 vs Bahamet fight and he keeps healing 1-2% during attempts for whatever reason. Obviously I'm not healing from willpower because I'm a robot and it isn't self repair triggering. This is pissing me off because he keeps healing from 80 to 81-82% and then I have to do the previous phase again. It clearly state on the path buff that "he cannot recover his Health above the current phase threshold".
My guilly 99 is 6*r3 and I'd really not like to waste resources ranking her up just to do this, especially with her being in 7 pool.
My guilly 99 is 6*r3 and I'd really not like to waste resources ranking her up just to do this, especially with her being in 7 pool.
Also (I don't remember the wording exactly) but it means that if he is in phase 2 and heals above 80%, then he will stay in phase 2. This, of course, is only true during the fight and he will move back to phase 1 if he is above 80% and you die.
The fight is honestly not hard with OG guillotine because reverse healing him actually puts volatility on him and it is a very fast fight until phase 4 in which you can just G99 cheese once he is below 5%
The node very clearly says he won't heal above his current phase threshold:
There are many, many threads saying that that Bahamet does, in fact, heal above his phase threshold; some of which I've linked here: https://forums.playcontestofchampions.com/en/discussion/comment/2467131/#Comment_2467131
No-one of these threads has ever attracted a comment from a forum moderator; although Pikolu is a Guardian.
Given the many, many threads on this, a lack of moderator comments, several reports to Support, and the total absence of it appearing on the Trello, we can only presume that Kabam don't see it as a problem - not even a problem big enough to bother correcting the text description for Heal Sponge, which some of us think is a little inaccurate.