Alright kabam you win!

Been playing for 8 - 9 years, I will never say I’m free to play because I’ve spent probably $5k on this game chasing a goal that will never be attained. But it has become apparent that that goal is unattainable. Kabam, thank you for game and the enjoyment of being able to “be” my super hero, but my time is done playing in a fantasy world. And to all those that say “get good” or “good riddance” I wish you the best in your journies, it just a game
My personal goal is to collect a Strong Guy or Silver Samurai/Viper combo of champs, whenever that may happen, and of course to see the servers get turned off, like most every game I've played over the years.
I thought that was WAY after the Blip (the 12.0 issue)?
I guess a lot of us have a similar story… I started the “journey” in 2015 and kept playing until I got the Legends title in 2018. Stopped playing for a couple of months, came back and stopped again mid 2019…. This time for over 3 years!
Came back in 2022 for a couple of months, stopped again and came back September 2023. Here I am.
Whenever I stopped playing, it wasn’t because “Kabam is bad” or “ Game is bad”… Quite the opposite: It had me hooked too much, so I had to cut it off. More or less successfully…
My Plan is to play until 8.4 drops. And then hopefully to say my goodbyes! Would be a nice conclusion… A major story content finished and also the Valiant title…
(Who knows, maybe I’ll be back in December for the 10 year anniversary! 😅)