How are yall liking the Red Gaurdian buff?

I personally love this dude now. Long slow debuff and gigantic damage with 30k heavies and high crit rate. Honestly he’s a top 5 science champ for me
1. Silk
2. Titania
3. Scorpion
4. Og Hulk
5. Human torch
You think hes better than any of them? Honest question if so ill rank him up and give him a try
I think all the problems his kit had have been solved in the buff.
He's not game breaking by any means but I'm pretty sure he'll be great for battlegrounds cause his burst damage potential (although not sunspot level) is really good.
The perfect block makes him tanky, while also giving parry stuns long duration so you can get 7 hit combos in. SP1 has a slow that can be maintained indefinitely AND increases combat power rate. SP2 has big damage with a trauma that doubles hit damage, also can be maintained indefinitely. While shield is on cooldown you can loop heavies (which are extremely strong since he gains attack based on debuffs for heavy) due to his unstoppable.
Do I think he is a top 5? Honestly depends on nodes but all around he is top 10 in my books.
I didnt try the new Red Guardian yet, but is he as fast as Torch? For real? Asking honestly, if so then I might R4 him aswell